Coventry Telegraph

Just use common sense to beat virus


IN reply to P. Holmes, Letters 4th August 2020.

P. Holmes wrote that he did not blame people for going to the beach recently because the Government rules are confusing and shambolic.

No-one should need clear rules to decide what to do during the pandemic.

Just use a little bit of common sense instead.

Going to a crowded place be it a beach, pub, restaurant where people are ignoring social distancing, will mean a far greater chance of catching the virus than staying at home or avoiding crowded places. Simple.

C. Norman, Coventry.

Please be sensible and avoid crowds

WITH the weather set to be all sunshine this weekend then once again crowds will gather whether at the beach, park or pub gardens.

If we were not in the middle of a pandemic I would join them, but the trouble is we are.

So I will stay at home and take a walk in the sunshine keeping an appropriat­e distance from others.

I, like many others, desperatel­y want to avoid another lockdown in our area which would just about finish off our already struggling economy.

So please be sensible, if we do we’ll get back to normality much quicker.

J. Hayles, Coventry.

Residents should have been asked

CAN someone at the City Council explain why they have remarked the parking on Daventry Road.

They have created a dangerous and space losing system.

The shopkeeper­s and residents should have been asked their opinions about this.

R. Nelmes, Coventry.

 ??  ?? AUGUST 7, 1971: Burgis & Colbourne Department Store, The Parade, Leamington.
AUGUST 7, 1971: Burgis & Colbourne Department Store, The Parade, Leamington.
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