Coventry Telegraph



- By BEN ECCLESTON News Reporter

NHS workers are set to march in Coventry this weekend after being left out of the Government’s huge pay rise for public sector workers.

Nearly a million people such as doctors, teachers and police officers - are set to get a pay rise announced recently by the Government, but nurses and other NHS staff are not among those to benefit.

This is due to a previous deal still being in place, although nurses have long argued that the numbers stated do not meet the reality.

And now a march has been organised which will see NHS staff and supporters walk through Coventry calling on the Government to rethink their plans.

The march will start at Swanswell Park at 11am on Saturday (August 8) with those involved walking to Broadgate where speeches will take place, before a minute’s silence in memory of those who have died as a result of Covid-19.

The Facebook page for the march states: “We are calling on NHS staff and supporters to mobilise with us on August 8 to send a clear message to the government: We do not accept your plans to exclude us from the public sector pay increase, and we will make ourselves heard until you listen. We are feeling undervalue­d, demoralise­d, overworked and exhausted. We have lost over 500 of our colleagues to Covid-19 and the fight is not over.

“This event is a peaceful protest against the government’s decision to leave NHS staff out of the recent pay increases. Please observe social distancing and wear a mask or face covering.”

The pay rise for 900,000 public sector workers announced by Chancellor Rishi Sunak will see those eligible get a pay rise of 3.1 per cent.

However, those workers involved in a three-year deal agreed in 2018 - called Agenda for Change - will not benefit from this. That includes nurses and other NHS staff such as porters and cleaners.

The Agenda for Change deal runs until April 2021 and the Government says it will result in the average nurse receiving “an average 4.4 per cent rise this year”.

However, the nursing community has argued the vast majority of frontline nurses are in Band 5 and received just a 1.65 per cent rise in April.

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