Coventry Telegraph

Man threatened with gun and knife

- By CLAIRE HARRISON News Reporter

A GROUP armed with a handgun and a knife threatened a man and stole his phone in a terrifying street robbery in Bedworth.

Detectives say the victim, a man who in his 40s, was not injured but was left ‘distressed’ as a result of his ordeal.

They have described the robbery near Adelaide Court as a ‘concerning incident.’

At around 8.35pm on August 17, the victim was approached by three men, who then threatened him for his moped.

They then stole his mobile phone - a Samsung Galaxy Edge.

They then ran off down an alleyway onto Delamere Road.

One of them is reported to have been holding an item described as a handgun, and another was believed to have a bladed object.

In a bid to catch the suspects, police have released the following descriptio­ns:

A black male in his late teens, around 5ft 9ins tall, who spoke with a Midlands

accent. He was described as wearing all black clothing, a large black puffer style jacket, a black scarf or mask over the lower part of his face and a hood covering the upper part of his face.

A black male in his late teens, around 5ft 9ins tall wearing a black mask or scarf covering the lower part of his face, a cap with a black peak and a hood over the top.

A black male in his late teens, around 6ft tall wearing all black clothing and a large black coat, a black scarf or mask covering the lower part of his face, a cap with a peak and a hood worn over the cap.

Investigat­ing officer, Det Con Catherine

Mewis of the Serious and Complex Crime Team explained: “This is a concerning incident and we have now launched a thorough investigat­ion.

“Thankfully, the victim was not injured but this was understand­ably distressin­g for him and we are determined to identify and locate those responsibl­e. A number of enquiries are currently ongoing.

“If anyone witnessed the offence or has any informatio­n which may assist with the investigat­ion, please call Warwickshi­re Police on 101 quoting incident number 402 of 17 August 2020.”

Details can also be passed on via Crimestopp­ers on 0800 555 111.

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