Coventry Telegraph

Pensioner is jailed for raping disabled girl, seven


A PENSIONER has been jailed after admitting raping a disabled sevenyear-old girl as well as a string of sexual assaults and possessing indecent images of children.

James Reeve, 68, of Leamington Spa, was arrested after the sevenyear-old told police about the offences in August last year.

She has been praised for her courage and “clear and compelling account” which helped put Reeve behind bars.

At a hearing at Northampto­n Crown Court on Tuesday, Reeve was jailed for nine years for rape.

He also received sentences of between 18 months and seven-anda-half years for seven counts of sexual assaults and one count of possessing indecent images.

The sentences are to run concurrent­ly.

Reeve was also placed on the Sex Offenders Register for life.

The offences took place in Rushden, in East Northampto­nshire.

Detective Constable Selena Leppard, of Northampto­nshire Police’s child protection team said that, given Reeve’s age, he could well live out the rest of his days in prison.

She said: “Reeve took advantage of an extremely vulnerable young child in order to satisfy his own perverse sexual needs without considerat­ion for anyone except himself.

“It took great courage for this little girl to speak about what happened when she was interviewe­d by the CPT. Her account was clear and compelling and no doubt contribute­d massively to Reeve pleading guilty to eight sex offences.

“It goes to show how the dedication and hard work of the CPT, as well as the courage of the victim and her family, has put another dangerous sex offender behind bars. “I am very pleased with the sentence - Reeve is an elderly man who may live out the rest of his days in prison. If he is ever released he will be subject to management by the MOSOVO team and be on the Sex Offender Register for life.”

It took great courage for this little girl to speak about what happened when she was interviewe­d. Det Con Selena Leppard

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