Coventry Telegraph

The cheapest places to park in Cov


YOU could save £35 a week if you know the cheapest place to park in Coventry City Centre.

Research has revealed the cheapest and most expensive places to park in cities across the UK.

And in Coventry being savvy with choosing your car park spot can lead to big savings. There’s a difference of £7 on a full day rate between the cheapest and most expensive places to park near the city centre, and both of them are equal distance away - a 12-minute walk.

If you’re going in every working day you’d save £35 a week by parking in the cheapest car park, adding up to a huge saving of £1,820 over a year.

The research has been done by website zuto. com and they have also worked out the cheapest and most expensive cities to park in the UK.

With an average daily rate of £1.90, Wolverhamp­ton comes top for bargain parking costs, followed by Bradford (£2.04) and Hull (£2.36).

At the other end of the scale, parking in the City of London for a day will set you back £53.80.

In Liverpool it’s £42.64 and Brighton and Hove takes the third spot with an average daily rate of £29.

Coventry’s neighbouri­ng cities appear in the top 10 most expensive cities. Birmingham comes fifth (£26.20) while Leicester comes ninth (£21.24).

Where are the cheapest and most expensive places to park in Coventry?


■Leicester Row. £5 day rate and 12 minutes’ walk to city centre.

■Far Gosford Street. £5 day rate and 15 minutes’ walk to city centre.

■Far Gosford Street. £6.50 day rate and 12 minutes’ walk to city centre.

■Belgrade Plaza. £8 day rate and nine minutes’ walk to city centre.

■Bishop Street. £8 day rate and six minutes’ walk to city centre.

Leicester Row car park is the cheapest in Cov at £5 a day

■Coventry Station - multi storey. £12 day rate and 12 minutes’ walk to city centre.

■ ■Coventry Warwick Road. £12 day rate and 14 minutes’ walk to city centre.

■Salt Lane. £12 day rate and four minutes’ walk to city centre.

■Barracks. £10 day rate and three minutes’ walk to city centre.

■Cox Street. £10 day rate and nine minutes’

walk to city centre.

A spokesman for Zuto said: “Whether we’re returning to the workplace or off to do a spot of shopping, many of us are starting to travel to the city on a regular basis again- and studies show we’re more likely to hop in the car than travel on public transport.

“We’ve looked at the cities with the cheapest and most expensive average daily rates, along with the most cost-effective car parks in the UK.”

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