Coventry Telegraph


Community respond to girl’s charity venture

- By ENDA MULLEN News Reporter

A BIG-HEARTED five-year-old from Coventry has seen a charity lemonade-making venture go viral after initially having next to no customers.

Violet Lumsden was disappoint­ed when the lemonade stall she set-up outside her Coundon home saw little if any passing trade.

But after word spread about her efforts on Facebook the reception class pupil has raised more than £1,000.

Violet decided to set up a lemonade stand outside her house on Saturday February 20 and give the donations to Family Fund, a charity supporting families on low incomes raising disabled children.

She made homemade lemonade, designed a sign and began calling out for customers. Violet’s idea came from a class project at Coundon Primary School about jobs.

Violet’s mum, Rachel Perrin, works at Family Fund, a charity that supports low income families raising disabled or seriously ill children and Violet wanted to do something to help.

The enterprisi­ng youngster shouted ‘come and buy your fresh lemonade’ a lot but no one came and there was little passing trade.

Eventually, a neighbour made a donation and a friend’s son came round just so Violet would have a customer.

Rachel then shared the story on Facebook, and local friends began to get in touch to see if she would be open again or do deliveries.

Rachel set up a Just Giving page to receive donations, and by the next morning Violet woke up to donations that had topped £350.

Excitedly, Violet soon got to work with the help of her mum, juicing 49 lemons and completed 39 socially distanced doorstep deliveries of ‘lockdown lemonade’ to local friends!

The Just Giving page has now made a total of more than £1,200 for Family Fund - including Gift Aid contributi­ons.

One of Violet’s own friends even got in touch to let her know they appreciate­d her work and said that they had received a grant from Family Fund to help them last year.

Faye Tomlinson from Earlsdon who has received grants from Family Fund said: “My heart is smiling. As a parent/ carer, your charity has been like a ray of sunshine.”

Rachel said: “It definitely gave us a good feeling seeing how kind people are. I’m really proud of Violet and touched by the response.”

Family Fund helped 510 families on low incomes in Coventry last year raising seriously ill and disabled children with grants to make life easier during the pandemic.

Violet who said she is missing her reception class at Coundon Primary School said it made her feel “really happy to make lemonade and help people”.

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