Coventry Telegraph

Business still booming for chippy after theme tune strikes a chord with diners



BINLEY Mega Chippy in Coventry continues to soar in popularity as hundreds of fans again queued outside the takeaway shop. The chippy has received mass attention after a catchy theme tune about it went viral on Tiktok.

The Binley Road business is now more popular than ever as people line up just to get their hands on some tasty takeaways. Dozens of customers were pictured standing outside the store over the bank holidays, with many travelling far across the country.

The shop is believed to receive hundreds of orders a day and continues to attract massive crowds. Customers

queue outside the takeaway all day long, posing for pictures and posting reports on social media.

The car park outside the store front was packed today as fans arrived far and wide to taste what Binley Mega Chippy has to offer. The shop serves an array of food including fish and chips, doner kebabs and fried chicken.

Debate is raging about how good the chips really are. Lots of people have spoken out to say how much they love them. But some others on social media have been left baffled, annoyed or even angry.

“I feel like I’m actively trying to avoid understand­ing Binley Mega Chippy,” said Jennifer Elder Art.

Gus Fring said: If I hear the words

Binley Mega Chippy one more time.”

EWXN said: “The Binley Mega Chippy jokes stopped being funny when people actually went there.”

But Twitter user Phoebe said: “Binley Mega Chippy does more for the tourism economy in the UK than the Royal family.” And Simon Indelicate said: “Seriously though, in the midst of a real national cultural low point the Binley Mega Chippy sensation is redeeming the UK for me right now.” And Post Mortem said: “Imagine being a regular at Binley Mega Chippy and now you can’t even cop a battered sausage without a class of Year 7s shooting a Tiktok.”

There have been people flocking there for days. Two Aussies on holiday in the UK travelled up from London to try it. Anthony Gay, 23, and Daniel Coward, 23, popped by the chip shop during their visit to the UK. The friends, who hail from Sydney, took a two-hour tour to the Binley Road takeaway - and said it has massively exceeded their expectatio­ns.

Owner Kamal Gandhi said he feels ‘very lucky’ that his humble takeaway has attracted worldwide attention, though he admitted he has ‘no idea’ about the mass hysteria surroundin­g his chip shop.

Anthony told the Telegraph: “We flew in from Sydney a couple of weeks ago. We were in London and Binley Mega Chippy has been on the list for a few weeks and we were on our way up to Liverpool so thought ‘we have to got stop in at Binley Mega Chippy.’ We have actually gone out of our way to come into Coventry.”

Friend Daniel added: “We decided to come to Europe and the UK and see some stuff. While we were in London, we saw that Binley Mega Chippy was close so we thought why not take an extra couple hours and go out and see Binley Mega Chippy as well while we were here.

“It just lined up at the perfect time when this was blowing up and we were going to be over here so we thought of course we have got to stop in.”

Daniel added: “We have been having a laugh with all of the other people in the line and the line has been out to the street since we got here - and it still is.”

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