Coventry Telegraph

Ignorance isn’t bliss with relationsh­ip problems...

Sweeping issues under the carpet can make them tougher to tackle. IMY BRIGHTY-POTTS finds out more from experts


Sometimes it’s easiest in relationsh­ips to just ignore issues, and pretend everything is fine.

But all too often that issue is still lurking – or festering – beneath the surface. It could end up causing bigger problems between you, and when you are finally forced to face it, it might be much tougher to tackle.

We spoke to experts to find out why dealing with things can boost your relationsh­ip and wellbeing.

Why do we ignore relationsh­ip problems?

Liz Ritchie, an integrativ­e psychother­apeutic counsellor at St Andrew’s Therapy, explains much of our avoidance of problems, in our relationsh­ips and in other areas of our lives, is rooted in fear. Issues we avoid may be “intimate, uncomforta­ble or overwhelmi­ng things”.

But by doing this, we are creating greater discomfort for ourselves in the long run.

According to The Relationsh­ip Guy podcaster John Kenny, a life and relationsh­ip coach: “When issues are not resolved to the satisfacti­on of both parties, then emotions can begin to simmer under the surface.

“This can lead to, what would normally be normal conversati­ons or disagreeme­nts, escalating to arguments as the real problems are not resolved and the feelings from these go unaddresse­d.

“Resentment­s can build, leading to a loss of respect for each other as you try and rebalance things in your favour due to what you are still holding on to.”

Does ignoring smaller problems in my relationsh­ip really matter?

There may be things your partner does that you ignore, despite it upsetting you, because it isn’t worth arguing about.

John says: “You may ignore ‘banter’ even though you find it upsetting or insulting [or] that they don’t seem to consider you when making decisions or acting in certain ways.

“These are usually called ‘pink flags’, as they are things that may not necessaril­y be a deal breaker, but if they escalate can soon become red flags.”

What if my partner thinks there’s a problem and I don’t?

John says: “No matter how small something may seem to you, it may be massive for someone else.

“Hearing how someone thinks and feels will enable them to feel listened to and this may be all they need. If it is a small thing to you, then why not change it so that they feel better, not because you have to, but because you care enough for them?”

How can hiding problems affect my family?

Dadsnet experts and Diffabilit­y podcast hosts Paul and Michael Atwal-brice, who have two sets of identical twins together, admit that in their experience, dusting problems under the carpet can be damaging for a family. Michael says: “We found over the years that letting issues mount up then explodes into a big argument, and it’s not the way forward – especially with the sleep deprivatio­n from looking after the boys.” Talking openly about any problems, works better, he adds. “We have found the best way to be with ourselves and each other is to be completely honest, open, and transparen­t. As parents to children with additional needs, it’s important to talk about issues that could be building up; as parents you don’t always agree on what’s best for your children, let alone non-verbal children.

Any other tips?

Liz says: “Accept that something is affecting you. There is a massive cost if you cannot be open, it reduces your sense of self worth and damages your confidence and identity.”

Then set aside time to talk about it, she adds.

 ?? ?? Dealing with problems in your relationsh­ip is better than ignoring them
Dealing with problems in your relationsh­ip is better than ignoring them
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 ?? ?? Podcaster John Kenny
Podcaster John Kenny

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