Coventry Telegraph

UK needs to use reserves of coal


I REALISED long ago that it was impossible to argue against the theory of man-made global warming.

The theory has morphed into a religious cult with its most ardent followers now controllin­g the world’s media and academic institutio­ns.

Pointing out the failures of climate models, citing satellite data showing the absence of warming, showing evidence of polar ice growth, was to no avail. Such data was ignored.

Western climate policy is not driven by scientific data but by blind, unquestion­ing faith.

I will simply say that in

1815 the volcano Mt Tambora erupted disrupting the world’s weather and cooling the planet for a number of years. A series of similar, large volcanic eruptions would cool the planet for decades.

Should this happen, climate models would need throwing out the window. Of little use today, they would be of absolute no use then.

Though Covid and the Ukrainian war are factors causing the present high price of oil, the primary cause is the net zero policy of America’s Joe Biden. He has alienated US oil producers who are now reluctant to increase US oil production.

More important, Biden has alienated the Saudis. Tired of being lectured by moralising Americans, the Saudis are now refusing to increase oil output.

This, despite the desperate pleas of Biden for the Saudis to do so. Frankly, the price of filling up your car will remain high until there is a change of government in Washington. Two years at a minimum.

Net zero was slowly strangling European manufactur­e well before Putin threatened to turn off the gas. For Europe, net zero is akin to industrial suicide. Times are changing though.

Germany has seen some sense, and is now turning to coal to keep its industry running. No doubt the climate zealots are furious. In Britain, we have large reserves of coal, oil and gas. To keep UK industry running, to keep the UK warm next winter, we need to use those reserves.

My vote goes to the political party that will do this.

M. Judge, Coventry.

Laughing all the way to the bank

DUE to the high price of fuel, many motorists are to use their cars and vans to cause travel chaos on the M6 by driving slowly.

Is this to bring the prices down? Seems to me that the fuel suppliers will be laughing all the way to ther bank.

F. Foster, Coventry.

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 ?? ?? JUNE 29, 1978: Barnacle Close, Wood End, Coventry.
JUNE 29, 1978: Barnacle Close, Wood End, Coventry.

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