Coventry Telegraph

Owner closes outdoor events business after long battle


THE owner of an outdoor events business in Warwickshi­re says a sustained campaign of opposition from residents has reluctantl­y forced her to close.

Pavilion Garden Bar, located on Castle Pavilion, a green space near Kenilworth Castle, has shut its doors after holding popular outdoor events over the past 16 months.

Owner Gabrielle Robbins said Warwick District Council’s decision to impose tighter planning regulation­s on events at Castle Pavilion had effectivel­y ended PGB as a viable business.

The council said it took the ‘important and necessary step’ following ‘complaints and letters received from local residents’ most centred on noise and disruption the events were said to have caused.

“We are just devastated,” Gabrielle said, “as a small local business that parents really enjoyed coming to. But we don’t really have a choice. We’ve been fighting neighbours and local councillor­s for two years and I’m just exhausted by it.

“We’ve even had abuse from people opposed to our events. We’re really sorry and sad it has come to this, but I’ve got no fight left in me.”

Warwick District Council has imposed an Article 4 direction on the Castle Pavilion meaning that any events taking place on the land now require planning permission from the local authority. Previously, events could take place on the land under ‘permitted developmen­t rights,’ which prevented the council from being able to assess issues such as noise, traffic and environmen­tal impacts. The Article has come into immediate effect for up to six months, but could be extended, the council said.

“The council has taken this route and have not listened to us or looked at the petition supporting it which has more than 1,100 signatures,” Gabrielle said.

“All the young families that came to our events were amazing. It’s been fantastic while it lasted.”

Gabrielle, born and raised in Kenilworth, says the dispute has left a sour taste and is making her consider the future of her Talisman Square flower shop The Orangery.

Future events at Castle Pavilion will require an official planning applicatio­n allowing the council to scrutinise the proposals before deciding whether to approve.

John Cooke, the council’s portfolio holder for place, said: “The council has taken this important and necessary step following a number of complaints and letters received from local residents.

“This is a sensitive site within the Green Belt which is also close to residentia­l properties.

“It is therefore important to ensure that any proposals for future events are fully assessed as part of a planning applicatio­n, in order to protect the Green Belt and the amenities of nearby residents.”

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