Coventry Telegraph



THE number of people in Coventry claiming Universal Credit due to ill health has risen by 44 per cent in just one year.

As of December 2023 there are 11,311 Coventry claimants of Universal Credit due to ill health compared to 7,833 a year previously, an increase of 3,478.

It comes as figures in the Times show that all three Coventry constituen­cies top a list of the biggest increase in long-term sickness in the UK.

The newspaper reported that long-term sickness was up 47.1 per cent in Coventry South; 44.5 per cent in Coventry North East and 41.4 per cent in Coventry North West.

Tonbridge and Malling, in Kent, had the next largest increase at 39.7 per cent.

Government figures suggest that a rise in mental health conditions is behind the increase, with two-thirds of incapacity benefits claims now citing mental ill health.

One Coventry MP criticised the government over the figures, claiming Rishi Sunak’s Tory party is ‘too divided and incompeten­t’ to get Britain working.

Taiwo Owatemi, who represents Coventry North West, said: “A healthy nation is critical to a healthy economy but the Tories have failed on both - and it is places like Coventry North West paying the price.

“I know from speaking to residents across Coventry North West the number who are stuck on NHS and mental health waiting lists or locked out of work due to long term sickness - at terrible cost to them and to businesses in our community.

“The Tories plan to get Britain working is failing. Only Labour has a plan to tackle the key drivers of economic inactivity before they take hold: by driving down NHS waiting lists, making work pay, and supporting people into good jobs across every part of the country, including right here in Coventry North West.”

How many people are claiming Universal Credit for ill health in Coventry?

Coventry South: As of December 2022, 2313 people were claiming UC for health reasons. This increased to 3402 in December 2023, a rise of 1089 people.

Coventry North East: As of December 2022, 3338 people were claiming UC for health reasons. This increased to 4824 in December 2023, a rise of 1486 people.

Coventry North West: As of December 2022, 2182 people were claiming UC for health reasons. This increased to 3085 in December 2023, a rise of 903 people.

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