Cycling Weekly

Long-distance events

Busy medical exec Martin Mcshane is eager to up his endurance


Martin Mcshane, 61, began cycling as a young boy and later commuted by bike while training to be a doctor. On becoming a GP, he progressed to mountain biking, dabbled in triathlon and eventually settled on road riding. He joined a club and got the bug for multi-day events after completing the Hot Chillee London to Paris.

Mcshane has decided to try cyclo-cross this season, and told us he is already “completely hooked” on what he succinctly described as “50 minutes of unadultera­ted agony”. His next challenge is to train for the Deloitte Ride Across Britain.

What do you most want to improve in your cycling?

My hill-climb pace: I feel like I seriously need to lose some weight to be more competitiv­e. If I could knock a stone off, that would help me a lot. I’m a passionate amateur who’d like to do a bit better. Fulfilling my ambitions needs a hell of a lot of training. In a moment of complete insanity, I signed up to do the Deloitte Ride Across Britain. That’s the big one for me in 2019. What are your motivation­s?

I have found cycling helps me cope with a busy executive job and gives me fitness goals to focus on. I think cycling’s my mindfulnes­s. There’s strong medical evidence to show the physical and mental health benefits of regular exercise. The older you get, the more important it is. I try to go to the gym once or twice a week. I used to be the national medical director at NHS England for long-term conditions, and the best pill in the world is exercise.

What are the biggest barriers preventing you from training optimally? Balancing the demands of the job and family life — much room for improvemen­t! I have resorted to three sources to try and structure my training: Strava training plans; Youtube training videos; and Zwift. I’ve also got a Fitbit and track my resting heart rate. Most training plans seem to be designed for younger people… I look at them and wonder whether I’m just being a wimp.

What are your strengths in training? If I have a long work trip away, I try to find a way of fitting in a bike ride or some sort of training — recently, even while in the desert in Las Vegas. Even if I don’t feel like it, I know it will do me good.

What are your weaknesses?

I need to improve my power-to-weight ratio. I’m a bit of a number nerd but I don’t really know where and how to pitch myself with zones. When people talk about Zone 1, I find myself thinking ‘that’s too easy’ — maybe a mistake. I lack structure and throw myself into it in a haphazard way!

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