Cycling Weekly

What next?


If this feature has inspired you to do something with your old kit, Andy Edwards of Kingston Wheelers has some advice.

1 Be an ally, not a saviour. Africa is a vast continent with many cultures; there is huge inequality but do not underestim­ate local expertise and resilience. Africa has many stories.

2 Tap into the diaspora. Many first and second-generation Nigerians live and work in the UK, while retaining strong ties to their roots. This is true of many Commonweal­th countries across Africa and around the world. Speak to friends and network.

3 It is OK to do some due diligence. The SCF were very transparen­t with us, even providing financial accounts and strategic plans. Not everyone is that organised, but do not be surprised to see that level of profession­alism.

4 Look for new opportunit­ies. South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda and Eritrea are all doing great things, but explore the potential in other countries too.

5 Kit must be wearable and rideable. When doing kit collection­s, do not donate what you would not personally ride or wear.

6 Respect local knowledge. The British cycling community has a lot to offer nations like Nigeria, but we don’t know everything. Build a dialogue and ask what is needed locally. Identify what you can contribute.

7 Promote with purpose. Talk about what you do to start a conversati­on. Turn outcomes into feedback to demonstrat­e what is possible and bring people together.

 ??  ?? Broadcast success to bring progress
Broadcast success to bring progress

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