Cycling Weekly

Tips from the top



Riders who have been there and done it offer their advice to any CW readers thinking of taking on an Everesting for the first time.

Alice Lethbridge: “First of all, get your pacing right — it should feel really easy at the start because you need to ride within yourself. The second point is fuelling. You have to eat when you’re not hungry and drink when you’re not thirsty. Plan that, say, right from the start, every half an hour you’re going to eat something. People might not be used to this because unless you’re riding for more than a few hours, you don’t usually need to eat at all.”

Mason Hollyman: “Find a climb that’s a decent enough gradient and make sure you like it before you start! And check out on the day that there’s not a headwind. Then just prepare yourself for how mentally challengin­g is.”

Gethin Howells: “Think about your nutrition — what’s going to work for your body. I suffered with a bad stomach towards the end of my attempt which was probably due to eating too much simple food. Maybe stopping and having something more savoury and substantia­l might have helped. Also, I don’t think you should over analyse it. Just go for it!”

Lachlan Morton: “I think the biggest thing to be prepared for is the fact it’s going to get really hard at some point, and working out some sort of strategy. How are you going to deal with that? Whether that’s something you’re going to eat, or the music you’re going to listen to or, you know, someone you’re going to have there to help you through. But also, don’t be super-intimidate­d by it. Because the end of the day, it’s just a long bike ride!”

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