Cycling Weekly

What do you think of the term ‘in collision with a cyclist’?

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■ The problem is that drivers have ‘carte blanche’ to avoid any serious penalty for their actions. We should move to a Dutch system of liability where the onus is on the driver’s insurance to prove the cyclist intended to cause a collision. Oh, and have reasonable cycling infrastruc­ture in this country, but that’s another story. James Lawn

■ So many reports of bicycles colliding with people and vehicles. It’s incredible that all these bikes are rushing around all by themselves, incredible. Oh sorry, I meant cars, not bicycles... Matthew Polaine

■ I have a bigger issue with “Cyclist hit by car,” as if the car was in control and the person sitting at the wheel was just along for the ride. Victor Lee Mcinnis

■ Would not “motorist strikes cyclist” be a more correct relaying of the incident? Jan Darnell

■ The first step towards understand­ing a so-called accident is that there is no such a thing as an accident. If damage or injury occurs then somebody got something wrong. Philip Ward

■ Time for the implied liability laws to be introduced. Barry Jones

■ Heard Chris Boardman talking about the hierarchy of responsibi­lity (I think that’s what he called it) which means the bigger the vehicle you drive, the greater your responsibi­lity, as the greater the chance of doing damage. Lorry at the top, pedestrian at the bottom. Made perfect sense to me. Rachel Lambert

■ The first time I rode in Belgium I came to a roundabout and saw a car coming off of it. I stopped. The car stopped. The driver then shouted at me for stopping. Until he realised I was an English idiot. He then shouted that it was always my right of way. Happy ending. Dean Teifel


The Classics are almost upon us. So, cobbles. Love or hate riding them?

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