
Lay your hands on these


These simple yet effective pieces of kit can complement a regular sports massage

TP Trigger Point GRID Foam Roller £34.99, healthandc­

A roller is a piece of DIY fitness kit that is almost universall­y recommende­d. Different textures on this roller claim to mimic finger, thumb and palm sports massage techniques, and you can use it on most muscle groups. Roll towards the heart where possible, and don’t use it as a torture device.

Lacrosse Ball Multi £3.95, zenithlacr­

Can be used in conjunctio­n with or instead of a foam roller – you place the ball under your calf, for example, and rotate your leg to mimic the effects of massage on soft tissue. It can be painful, so you can start off with a slightly more forgiving tennis ball to get used to the sensation.

The Original Index Knobber II £16.99, healthandc­

It might look like a hollowedou­t rubber duck but the Index Knobber can be used during a home massage to apply deep and sustained pressure to trigger points and sore muscles. It does require great care so as not to cause pain, but on the plus side it is easier on the masseur’s hands.

Melrose Massage Oil £19.99, massagewar­

A sports therapist might slather you in oil, but it’s not a gimmick to make them look more profession­al. Fragrance-free Melrose oil will make the skin smoother for the masseur and contains vitamin E, an antioxidan­t that helps disperse harmful molecules called free radicals that can result from strenuous exercise.

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