
Into the valley

Retrace Cyclist’ s route down the Valdeón valley


To download this route go to or scan the QR code. Starting in Riaño take the N-625 north along the top curve of the reservoir and beyond. At the border of Castilla y León and Asturias, take a right onto the quiet LE-2711. Follow that all the way to Posada de Valdeón, then turn left onto the Caín de Valdeón road. Proceed with caution on the way down to the village of Caín de Valdeón and make sure your bike has a compact chainset fitted for the way back up. Once back in Posada de Valdeón take the left fork out of the village and keep climbing to reach Puerto de Pandetrave­s. With a good wind you can freewheel down to Portilla de la Reina, before picking up the N-621 and following it alongside the reservoir to get back into Riaño.

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