
Simon Mottram on….

Rapha’s CEO on riding, travelling and driving a cab


…Off-road riding

‘I ride it all the time. I can do a loop from my house in North London without really hitting many roads, just using parks, bridleways and footpaths. It’s a full-body workout because it’s chaos. You don’t go very fast, but you’re exhausted by the end.

…His favourite bike

‘It’s an Explorateu­r. A friend makes a proper racing travel bike that comes apart at the seatpost, frame and bottom bracket. It folds into two triangles that fit into a small bag. It has been all around the world with me.’

…Life if he wasn’t at Rapha

‘My wife says I would be a minicab driver because my nickname is Maps. I really enjoy map reading. But I would be a cycle tour guide as that is my favourite thing in the world. I would lead rides in Mallorca or the South of France and take groups of friends and show them a route they’ve never been down. It’s so fun and you get to see everyone’s delight at the end. That fulfilment every day would be amazing.

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