Cynon Valley




TONYREFAIL travelled to Roath for this Division 3 East Central B fixture against Cardiff Saracens with seven enforced changes from the previous week and found the home side in a determined mood.

Although Ton came away with a losing bonus point they struggled in the first half to maintain any real pressure and poor kicking out of defence led directly to two tries when the Saracens ran the ball back at them to score. The visitors had the edge in the set scrums and with Gavin Enticott back at hooker their lineout was better than of late but they lacked cohesion behind and that was the difference between the sides. By half time Saracens had crossed for two tries while Ton’s scores were restricted to two Owen Lewis penalties.

In the second half Ton began with more purpose to their play and they forced the home side back with some forward drives taking play up to the Saracens try line before prop Richie Adams crashed over out wide for a try before Saracens came back at them. Ton forced some critical turnovers when defending on their own line but then contrived to give the ball back for Saracens to score two more tries to take the score to 27-11. With 10 minutes to go and Ton 16 points adrift the game seemed to be over but to their credit the visitors rallied strongly. Their forwards again took the ball up and after a series of tryline mauls and rucks Liam Roberts touched down. From the restart Ton were soon back on the home tryline forcing Saracens into desperate tackles but Liam Roberts again had enough strength and pace to get over the line for a try.

The conversion put Ton four points behind and with the game in injury time the home side kicked off. Ton took the ball and worked it wide. As they took play to the half way line Ton had an overlap and as wing Rhydian Lewis was given the ball he looked to have the edge but the referee blew for a forward pass and the chance was gone.

Ton may have lost the game but with seven enforced changes they did well to get the bonus point and whilst the overall performanc­e was not what supporters would have hoped for there were some good individual performanc­es from Liam Roberts, Matthew Davies and Liam Barnfield in the unaccustom­ed role of line out jumper.

It was good to see Gavin Enticott back in Ton colours with his accurate line out throwing having a positive impact.

Next week Ton are at home to local rivals Tylorstown.

Ton Youth had a terrific 71-21 win over Nelson in a cup game.

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