Cynon Valley

‘Prepare for split from UK Labour’


WELSH Labour should “absolutely” be prepared to split from the UK party if it backs a hard Brexit, according to former minister Leighton Andrews.

Mr Andrews, who was one of the biggest names in the Welsh party before losing his Rhonnda Assembly seat to Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood, said there was “no question” it should be ready to contemplat­e a divorce.

He was alarmed by an article by Shadow Secretary of State for Internatio­nal Trade Barry Gardiner, in which the Labour frontbench­er argued the UK must leave the Single Market and the Customs Union. Mr Andrews considered the argument “idiotic”.

When asked if Welsh Labour should consider a divorce if UK Labour backed a hard Brexit, he told the BBC: “Absolutely. No question. The reality, I think, is that there is a difference we’re now seeing, I think, by those parts of the Labour Party who have experience of government and experience of running things, and that’s clearly the case with the Welsh Labour Welsh Government, and those in opposition who have not only no experience of government but also little experience in practice of shadow ministry.”

Mr Andrews, who is now Professor of Practice in Public Service Leadership and Innovation at Cardiff Business School, has argued on his website that if the Parliament­ary Labour Party will not “stand up” to Mr Gardiner and UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, “then Welsh Labour should split from UK Labour”.

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