Cynon Valley

Avoid mosquito misery on late summer nights


IT’S barbecue season, which means getting outdoors and enjoying al fresco dining with friends – but you’re not the only one readying yourself for a feast.

Mosquitoes are rife in hot weather and can turn a pleasant evening into an unbearable night of itching and scratching.

Studies have shown that mosquitoes are more attracted to certain chemicals – such as lactic acid – and people that naturally emit more of these from their skin are more likely to attract mosquito bites. There is also evidence that those in the ‘O’ blood group are twice as likely to attract mosquitoes than those in the ‘A’ blood group.

Whatever your genetics, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of getting bitten. Apply repellent before you go

outdoors: Insect repellents containing 50% DEET (known as N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide), when applied to skin or clothing, help ward off a number of biting insects. Always follow the instructio­ns.

Try essential oils: “Insects such as mosquitoes don’t tend to like citrus smells, so lemon, eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil or lemongrass oil on the skin can help to deter them,” says naturopath Ben Brown. If you don’t fancy applying oils to your skin, you could burn them around the area where you’re sitting.

Cover up: “Mosquitoes look for CO2 as their food source, which can be bad news for us after we exercise, drink alcohol or eat spicy food, as we tend to release more CO2,” says Dr Luke Powles, lead GP at Bupa. “To avoid being nature’s feast, cover up after a workout or if you’re enjoying some food in a pub garden.”

Time your day: Mosquitoes tend to be most active at dawn and dusk, so avoid sitting outdoors at these times, as this is when you are more likely to get bitten. Avoid stagnant water: Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, which makes pools, birdbaths (pictured), gutters and empty plant pots the perfect place for them to multiply. Ahead of your next outdoor event, take a good look around the garden and pour away any rainwater in pots or buckets.

Cut down on outdoor exercise: Our bodies produce more lactic acid when we exercise, so you might get bitten more often.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? A tiny bite brings big irritation
A tiny bite brings big irritation
 ??  ?? Citronella candles help
Citronella candles help

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