Cynon Valley


Back in 1999, disciplina­ry action after players’ misdemeano­rs was a lightning-quick affair. Rugby correspond­ent Simon Thomas remembers the day Frenchman Richard Nones was suspended for two years following his foul play on Ponty prop Sven Cronk...


MORE than 20 years on, it remains the longest ban handed out for an act of violence on a rugby field in Wales during the profession­al era. It was on a Friday night at Sardis Road back in November 1999 that history was made in infamous fashion when Colomiers prop Richard Nones was suspended for two years following his sending off for eye-gouging in a Heineken Cup clash with Pontypridd.

There was no waiting until midweek for the punishment back in those days, with the disciplina­ry hearing taking place at the ground immediatel­y after the match. I know because I was there covering the game and was on hand when the verdict was announced late that night.

While there were BBC cameras at the ground, there wasn’t any conclusive video footage of the offence. So key to the outcome were the reports from the officials – particular­ly Scottish touch judge Bertie Craig, who spotted the foul play – and the physical evidence on the face of the victim.

That victim was Ponty tighthead prop Sven Cronk, who still remembers the incident vividly two decades on.

“It’s not something you forget,” he says. “It was pretty gruesome.”

Nones had come on as a secondhalf replacemen­t and hadn’t wasted any time in making his presence felt.

“His first action was to run all over Andrew Lamerton from his feet to his head when Lamie fell on a loose ball,” recalls Cronk. “So we knew we had someone on there who was up for a bit of sport, if you like.

“Then there was a scrum on the 22, when they were attacking, and we shoved them off the ball. So the next scrum then was up in the top 22 and all hell broke loose.

“A punch came through from the second row, first of all because we had done them damage in the previous scrum. Then, the next thing, this hand came through and was on my face and into my right eye. It was nasty.

“The scrum went up in the air and we sort of made things even, put it that way.

“I had only experience­d gouging once before, when I was playing for Newport out in France at Racing Club. That was absolute bedlam of a game for the full 80 minutes.”

Nones’ dismissal by Scottish referee Jim Fleming – on his touch judge’s advice – came right at the death of the Sardis Road clash, which Ponty won 22-14. Then came the disciplina­ry hearing.

“The one touch judge was in no doubt about what he’d seen,” said Cronk. “I didn’t have to give evidence myself. The hearing committee just wanted to look at me in the changing room afterwards. They wanted to see if there was any damage around my eye, which there was.

“I was badly marked. It was obvious I had been gouged, without question. There were marks all around my eye and my eye was all bloodshot.”

The end result was Nones receiving the maximum penalty for the offence of a two-year ban, with the verdict handed down by Welsh match commission­er Huw Lewis. It remains the longest suspension handed out for gouging in rugby history.

“It happened and the guy was dealt with,” said Cronk. “He pleaded his innocence, but it fell on deaf ears.

“Rugby was a bit of the law of the jungle back then. It was very physical and based on intimidati­on more than anything. But there’s no place for gouging in the game.

“They disputed it, but I knew what had happened. It’s not a great night to remember.”

That wasn’t to be the end of the matter, however. Nones appealed against his ban, but it was upheld by a threeman tribunal a few days later.

That led to an outcry in Colomiers, with players from the French club showing their support for the 30-year

old prop during the following weekend’s pool match at home to Munster. They wore white T-shirts with “Richard, we are with you” on the front and “injustice” written on the back.

Then, in January, came the return group fixture against Ponty at the Stade Selery. It was not an occasion for the faint-hearted.

In France, gouging is known as “fourche” or forking and that was played upon during a mass protest by the Colomiers fans.

“They all had these plastic forks,” recalls Cronk. “They were handing them out to the supporters at the gates when we got there.”

To add to the gladiatori­al atmosphere, Nones was paraded around the ground before kick-off. And, as the Ponty player involved in the sendingoff, Cronk was a particular target for the angry mob.

“The club didn’t want me to go, but they were short so I had to go and sit on the bench,” he says.

“The Colomiers fans knew I was on the subs bench, that’s for sure, because they were lobbing industrial toilet rolls down on top of us!

“They had got these big industrial reels out of the toilets. The subs’ dugout had a perspex top on it and they were throwing these things down on to it.

“The dugout roof was slowly getting closer and closer to our heads because it was collapsing under the weight of these things. It’s in the past now and done, but it was pretty horrible at the time. It was right up there in terms of hostility. I’ve never experience­d anything like that before or since.”

There was more to come postmatch following Ponty going down 38-21.

“I remember being in the bar after the game and Nones’ mother came up and had a real go at Mike Griffiths,” reveals Cronk. “She obviously got us confused! Griff had a terrible lecture off her, in French. He couldn’t understand it, but still.”

Then, in the evening, seven Ponty players were detained by French police following an incident at a bar, which led to the club being charged with misconduct and fined £5,000 by the competitio­n organisers.

In turn, the Welsh side lodged a complaint against Colomiers over the alleged treatment they received during and after the match.

There was to be further twist to the tale the following summer when it was ruled that Nones’ ban would no longer apply to the French domestic championsh­ip and only to the European competitio­n.

As for Cronk, he went on to play for Ponty until 2003, making 68 appearance­s in all, before returning to Newport for a second spell, taking his tally of games for the Black & Ambers to 183.

His playing career spanned more than 20 years, but it could have ended pretty much before it began when he was a teenager, ironically enough due to a serious fracture to the eye later gouged by Nones.

“I blew my eye socket in the last year of youth,” he explained. “They had to put a titanium mesh in and I was told not to play again. They said if I had another direct impact on it, the eye would come out. It had nowhere else to go.

“But I chose to play on because I loved the game.”

Cronk, who represente­d Wales in judo, also carried on after undergoing surgery to have two badly-damaged discs removed from his neck in 1997.

“Lots of players would have a local anaestheti­c to get through a game,” he recalls.

“It was never forced on you. It was something you did to get on the field because it was such an honour to play for those clubs. You had a choice to do it or not to.

“I would do it all again. I wouldn’t change anything. They were great times.”

Cronk, who went on to be head coach of Newport for some 10 years, is now a director of housing company Rainbow Developmen­ts. He still bears the scars of his rugby days, but has no complaints whatsoever.

“Most people I know who played are on naproxen or similar to get by,” he said. “You are aching and stuff and you struggle some mornings. My ankle stiffens up.

“But it just goes with the territory. It’s the consequenc­e of me doing something I loved doing and that I chose to do. I just wanted to play on.”

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 ??  ?? Sven Cronk in his days as Newport tighthead prop and, left, as the Black & Ambers’ coach in 2011. Bottom left, Colomiers players showing support for disgraced forward Richard Nones in 1999
Sven Cronk in his days as Newport tighthead prop and, left, as the Black & Ambers’ coach in 2011. Bottom left, Colomiers players showing support for disgraced forward Richard Nones in 1999
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