Cynon Valley




March 21–April 20 You won’t mind postponing some plans made for today, and you won’t feel put out by this request. There are dozens of other useful or exciting things you will want to get on with. If a friend chooses to live their life in a whirl of fraught and panic-stricken activity, you will leave them to it.

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Taurus April 21 – May 21

Think twice before saying yes next time a friend or relative who has been taking your help for granted asks for something more. It’s about time you started thinking about yourself. This is a good time to consider your lifestyle and to juggle commitment­s so you can make more of your off-duty hours.

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Gemini May 22 –June 21

You might enjoy the chance to mix with a new circle of friends or to get involved in an online group of like-minded people. Within the household, there is something you feel strongly about. Be sure to let your family know it. Remember that your views are important.

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Cancer June 22 –July 23

A relative’s moodiness has been getting you down. You can see how your responses to those around you are having just as strong effect on their frames of mind as their moods are having on you. You’re doing your best to be positive and bright to keep the atmosphere light-hearted. For more call 0905 789 4274 (80p/min + network access charge)

Leo July 24 – August 23

A social or business invitation will not have strings attached. You’re looking for hidden expenses or wondering if there are hidden motives for this offer. But why not take what’s on offer at face value? You could cause offence by being cagey. For that reason, think before you speak.

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Virgo Aug 24 – Sept 23

You will feel some slight irritation about a change in events but what you will not have expected is that this could work out to your advantage. What you had classed as an urgent chore won’t suffer that much from being left a while as you need to get on with other matters.

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Libra Sept 24–Oct 23

You will have a clever knack of twisting conversati­ons to discover the facts behind a recent occurrence without anyone realising what you are up to. Even so, you may need to delve much deeper for informatio­n and evidence before you make a final decision.

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Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22

Credit arrangemen­ts and anything involving borrowing or lending cash needs more careful thought. Weigh up all the pros and cons. If you’re buying an expensive item, shop around. Make time to discuss everything with someone whose opinion you always respect and value.

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Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21

In family matters, especially where teenagers are concerned, you want what’s best for them. There’s no guarantee they will agree with your idea of what is right for them. As difficult as it can be, providing there is no risk involved, leave them to make up their own mind.

For more call 0905 789 4279

Capricorn Dec 22 –Jan 20

Plans will suddenly be changed to include someone you don’t know very well. You could find yourself responsibl­e for helping out a friend of a friend. It just so happens that you have the skills or experience to sort out a difficult problem they have got themselves into.

For more call 0905 789 4280 (80p/min + network access charge)

Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19

An older relative is fooling themselves to think you will appreciate their interferen­ce. You will prefer they left you alone to make decisions that suit you and not them. A community event that was postponed is about to go ahead. Be sure to investigat­e further.

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Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20

People who hardly know each other will be getting together to start a group venture. The initial tension will not last. One way to break the ice is to show others the more fun-loving side of your nature. If you are single, a friendship could develop into something more meaningful.

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