Daily Express

Jail for gold- digger who pillaged lonely bachelor’s nest egg

- By Chris Riches

Malcolm Hibbert with Karen Hughes, who took control of his cash after his widowed mother’s death A GOLD- DIGGER who blew a lonesome bachelor’s inheritanc­e to fund her online shopping and gambling sprees has been jailed for 18 months.

Karen Hughes, 50, was Malcolm Hibbert’s first girlfriend in years when he inherited £ 56,000 from his parents.

But within seven months most of the cash was gone as jobless Hughes took control of the besotted 60- yearold’s finances. She splashed out on a string of holidays for herself and Mr Hibbert, while secretly pocketing almost £ 20,000 of his legacy.

In one three- month period she blew £ 16,462 on bookies’ betting terminals.

The mother of two also used Mr Hibbert’s cash to pay off loans and set up internet shopping accounts.

He only discovered he had been ripped off when his bank blocked transactio­ns, by which time only £ 10,000 of the nest egg was left.

Delivery driver Mr Hibbert, of Burnley, Lancashire, said yesterday: “I was taken for a ride in the cruelest way possible. I had only just lost my mum and Karen wormed her way in. She virtually spent the lot. I thought we would be sweetheart­s for life but it seems she was only after my money. I’ve been taken for a mug.”

Burnley Crown Court heard Hughes began a relationsh­ip with Mr Hibbert in December 2011 while he was living with his widowed mother.

His 84- year- old mother died in September 2012 and, said prosecutor Stephen Parker, Hughes “very quickly” took control of her boyfriend’s finances. She took £ 5,760 for herself on the day the inheritanc­e went into his account.

Hughes, of Lancaster, admitted theft and fraud. She has previous conviction­s for cheque book fraud. The court heard she was “remorseful”.

Judge Stephen Riordan, QC, told her: “You began plundering his bank account on a regular basis. He trusted you to look after his affairs. The effect on him was devastatin­g.”

Mr Hibbert’s bank refunded the money.



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