Daily Express



Although more common in people who worked in heavy industry, there are circumstan­ces where this is not the case. Asbestos is still embedded today in buildings where people work or live; it is often found in schools and hospitals and you can even develop symptoms of an asbestos- related illness through working or living with someone who worked closely with the material.

Richard says: “Most people attribute asbestos- related illnesses to industrial workers but we are seeing more teachers, hospital workers and shop assistants coming forward with asbestos- related illnesses.

“Many public buildings were built during an era where asbestos was readily used Asbestos is generally safe when it remains in good condition and left undisturbe­d but staff and members of the public can easily be exposed once the asbestos is damaged.”

Generally, asbestos- related illnesses are caused by high levels of asbestos exposure but low- level exposure also poses a significan­t threat.

Richard says: “Although it in no way makes up for the illness and pain suffered, financial remunerati­on is available to ensure that people receive the right level of treatment and care needed during their illness or sadly in some cases, to ensure that loved ones are taken care of if a person can no longer work or if the illness is fatal.

“Anyone suffering with an asbestos- related illness should seek advice from a specialist asbestos solicitor. Firms such as Hugh James will also offer advice and support with welfare benefits and employment concerns.”

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