Daily Express




AM I the only one to feel that maybe the time has come for the UK to withdraw from the Eurovision Song Contest (“Elegant Nigella wins the Eurovision popular vote”, May 25)?

For many years we have been humiliated by either low or “nil point” scores and as the contest has changed so much since the beginning, we should perhaps step back and watch from the sidelines.

The BBC must spend huge amounts of revenue, apart from other expenses, which must be incurred. The money could probably be better used elsewhere. Ethel Jervis, Liverpool


EVEN though the UK has performed disastrous­ly at Eurovision for a long time, we haven’t won since 1997 and have finished last three times in the past 12 years, the show is terrific entertainm­ent.

The songs themselves are almost immaterial, to my ears nearly all of them sound the same ( generic ballad or bland Europop) and most are sung in English anyway.

But when the votes are read out from all over Europe it is one of the TV highlights of the year.

Graham Norton’s witty asides are pitched perfectly as viewers see it for what it is: a good old laugh. Charles May, Birmingham

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