Daily Express

Who will waltz off with Strictly title?


AS THE evenings begin to draw in and we start to argue with our Other Halves about the right time to switch on the central heating, we thank the Almighty for the pleasure of nestling on the sofa and escaping to the sequinned permatanne­d universe over which the glitterbal­l dangles enticingly.

For an hour a week – a bit more at the beginning before dancers are turfed out – we can lose ourselves in lacklustre cha cha chas, passionate pasos and rhapsodic rumbas. Two years ago my knocking knees and flat feet were on the line. I barely slept for my entire Strictly sojourn so acute were the nerves. So it’s utter bliss to sit back and act, just like everyone else in the country, as self- appointed judge and jury.

The smart money is already on Peter Andre and Jamelia to battle it out in the final. Insider gossip, I cannot reveal my sources, says Katie Derham, pictured, has been partnered with Anton du Beke because “this is Anton’s year to win”. Katie’s a demon dancer. Anton needs a shot at victory. They could be the two to watch.

I was desperate to check out my esteemed Radio 2 colleague Jeremy Vine’s talents but he seemed almost permanentl­y to be just off camera. Is that, fans are asking, because he’s an incurable dad dancer? I’d rather believe JV is a Travolta in waiting and Strictly bosses are so bedazzled by his skills they are temporaril­y hiding his light under a bushel before unleashing his tango on the nation.

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