Daily Express

Why allow these sex offenders to apply for asylum?


WHICH people do you imagine the UK authoritie­s are not currently seeking to remove from the country: a 56- yearold former postman born in the US to an American soldier and British mother but who has worked here all his life, 7,000 overseas nurses who have been working in the NHS for years, or three convicted sex offenders from Libya who, while undergoing training in Britain, stole bicycles and rode to Cambridge where they assaulted young women?

Yes, you guessed right, the last ones: Naji El Maarfi, Khaled El Azibi and Mohammed Abdalsalam. They are being put up at an immi gration centre while their asylum applicatio­ns are considered. They are reportedly claiming that it would breach their human rights to send them back to Libya because as convicted sex offenders they could face persecutio­n.

How have we ended up with an immigratio­n policy that comes down like a ton of bricks on hardworkin­g people who have been contributi­ng to our economy for years and yet invites serious criminals to stay? As if it were not bad enough that convicted criminals are allowed to make asylum applicatio­ns, the Libyan three are almost certainly funded by public money.

The legal costs of asylumseek­ers are funded largely through legal aid via organisati­ons such as the Refugee Council, which received £ 4.1million from the Government last year, and Refugee Action, which received £ 19.6million.

FEW will begrudge money spent helping people who are genuinely fleeing war or persecutio­n. But it is an outrage that our money is being used to hire lawyers to fight on behalf of sex attackers taking advantage of the system.

The trio came to Britain as part of a contingent of 320 soldiers who were being trained by our army in an attempt to bolster the Libyan government’s ability to maintain security in its country, which remains strife- torn following the removal of Colonel Gaddafi in 2011.

Following the sex attacks our Government terminated the scheme and sent the other soldiers home. The only ones left in Britain are the sex

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REPUGNANT: Offenders Naji El Maarfi, Khaled El Azibi and Mohammed Abdalsalam
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