Daily Express

Lori Reid Our top astrologer

Celebratin­g today: Monkees star Micky Dolenz, 71, and presenter Cheryl Baker, 62.



Mar 21 – Apr 20

Giving your brain a rest gives your subconscio­us time to come up with new creative ideas. Tomorrow’s powerful eclipse is working on your imaginatio­n but physically there are strains. Call me to hear why it’s time to focus on what makes you happy.


Apr 21 – May 21

Optimism is a good thing but if it goes over the top it can land you in trouble. Agreeing with others for the sake of a quiet life will leave you feeling uncomforta­ble. Stick to your principles now. Call me to hear when you must follow your own path.


May 22 – June 21

Watch out for mistakes today, Gemini. Muddles and misunderst­andings could easily upset things at work or at home. Perhaps you feel you have too much on your shoulders and need support. Call me to hear when you should chase that dream.


June 22 – July 23

Getting out into the bracing fresh air might be a good way to clear your head and blow those cobwebs away. With work, health and travel coming under diffi cult trends, you will need to keep your wits about you. Call me to hear why it’s time to lighten up.


July 24 – Aug 23

Because you have a generous heart, you can sometimes – like today – give more than is necessary. You can also be extravagan­t, paying well over the odds. Put a limit on your spending. Call me to hear why it’s time to relight your ambition.


Aug 24 – Sep 23

It would be a mistake to take anything, or anyone, for granted. If you do, it could lead to an embarrassi­ng situation, a stalemate or noisy confrontat­ion. A change of attitude will turn the tide today. Call me to hear why you must go that extra mile.


Sep 24 – Oct 23

Either restlessne­ss is making you irritable or you’re irritable because obstacles are getting in the way of your plans. Draw back if you sense things could overwhelm. Recognise your limits. Change is afoot. Call me to hear when you’ll need to dig deeper.


Oct 24 – Nov 22

Don’t take risks today, especially with money. Friends, colleagues, children? Either an awkward situation arises or else dealings with people drain you mentally. This evening brings a change of mind. Call me to hear why you have a new purpose in mind.


Nov 23 – Dec 21

What a topsy- turvy day! You’re torn as work and personal aims clash with domestic affairs, and offi cial matters vie with home and family. The point is you can’t do it all and something has to give. Call me to hear why it’s time to pursue that quest.


Dec 22 – Jan 20

Think about the tortoise and the hare today. Slow down! If you rush, you’ll end up running around in circles. Opinions are changing, decisions are in the balance and change is in the air. Call me to hear why it’s time to put the spark back into love.


Jan 21 – Feb 19

Members of your sign don’t usually go in for excessive indulgence but it looks as if you could be breaking that rule as money comes under adverse trends. Think twice before shaking hands on a deal. Call me to hear why it’s time to go back to your roots.


Feb 20 – Mar 20

Get your facts straight before you engage. With impatient Mars at the top of your skies it’s easy to get the wrong end of the stick. It’s not a day to make promises. Things could get complicate­d. Call me to hear when serious decisions are required.

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