Daily Express

You’ve let Libya turn into a mess, Obama tells PM

- By Alison Little Deputy Political Editor

PRESIDENT Obama has attacked David Cameron for letting Libya plunge into a “mess” and accused Europe of too often seeking a “free ride” on American military might, it emerged last night.

Mr Obama claimed the Prime Minister became “distracted” from stabilisin­g Libya after joining American- led military action to protect rebels from massacre by former dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

In an interview for The Atlantic magazine on his foreign policy, Mr Obama voiced “aggravatio­n” with “free riders” in the world who demanded action in crises but withheld their own military resources.

It also emerged he had warned Mr Cameron that Britain could not maintain its “special relationsh­ip” with the US if it did not commit to spending at least the Nato target of two per cent of national output on defence – a pledge the Conservati­ves soon made.

“You have to pay your fair share,” Mr Obama is said to have told the PM last year.

Mr Obama said he involved the US in strikes on Libya in 2011, against the advice of some advisers that it was not America’s problem.

He told the magazine: “At that point you’ve got Europe and a number of Gulf countries who despise Gaddafi or are concerned on a humanitari­an basis, are calling for action.

“But what has been a habit over the last several decades is people pushing us to act but then showing an unwillingn­ess to put any skin in the game ... free riders.

“So what I said at that point was, we should act as part of an internatio­nal coalition.”

Insisting that European countries join the action, Mr Obama said “was part of the anti– free rider campaign”.

Mr Cameron’s official spokeswoma­n said: “I think the PM would share the President’s assessment that there are some real challenges in Libya.”

Conservati­ve MP and former Defence Secretary Dr Liam Fox said it “is completely understand­able that American taxpayers want Europeans to pay more for their own defence. Too many Europeans think they can take a free ride.”

Former Defence Minister Sir Gerald Howarth said at least half of the extra £ 5billion on overseas aid should have gone to defence.

 ??  ?? President Barack Obama with David Cameron at the White House in January
President Barack Obama with David Cameron at the White House in January

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