Daily Express

Interprete­rs who put their lives at risk deserve better

- Ross Clark Political commentato­r

IF THERE ever was an Afghan migrant who deserved to be taken in by Britain it was Nangyalai Dawoodzai. His death, by his own hand after being told he was to be deported, is a shame on our country and a reminder of how deeply perverse our immigratio­n system has become.

As an interprete­r for the British army in Helmand Dawoodzai faced the same daily threat of being picked off by snipers as did our troops. The difference is that when British forces withdrew from Afghanista­n in 2014, Dawoodzai was left behind to face the wrath of the Taliban.

Not surprising­ly, the terror group doesn’t take kindly to Afghans it accuses of helping what it sees as the infidel.

While the group does not control the whole of Afghanista­n, it has issued threats to track down and kill interprete­rs all over the country. Moving to the relatively safe capital Kabul is not enough to protect those who have worked for British and US forces.

About 200 or so translator­s who worked with our troops realised the danger they faced and asked for resettleme­nt in Britain before our forces withdrew from the country. Their requests were rejected.

Undaunted, Dawoodzai travelled here anyway and claimed asylum. Sadly, though, he will never get to enjoy the chance of a settled life in Britain which he so craved. Last week he killed himself at a hostel in Birmingham while awaiting deportatio­n to Italy.

ON HIS journey here, he had given his fingerprin­ts to the Italian authoritie­s. As the Border Agency points out, the rules demand that asylum- seekers are required to make their applicatio­ns in the first safe country in which they arrive, which in this case was Italy.

Those are indeed the rules, and in most cases it would be right to apply them. But in this case it is shoddy and pedantic. Not that Dawoodzai would necessaril­y have been allowed to stay even if he had been allowed to claim asylum here. One translator who did claim asylum in Britain was Aslam Yousaf Zai. He fled to Britain after being threatened at his home in Kabul – only for the Home Office to reject his applicatio­n, saying he hadn’t proved that his life was in danger in Afghanista­n. That would have been evident to anyone who had served in Afghanista­n.

As another Afghan translator put it yesterday: “Meanwhile, Britain lets in hundreds who have done nothing for them.” Actually, it is worse than that. We turn away good people while putting out the welcome mat – not to mention paying benefits – to foreign nationals who are intent on doing us harm.

Army translator­s are sent packing while the likes of extremist preacher Abu Qatada – finally deported to Jordan in 2014 after eight years fighting it in the courts – are fed, housed and showered with legal aid.

Nangyalai Dawoodzai was leapt on by the immigratio­n system because he was a soft target. The Government knows it is impotent in dealing with extremists and terror suspects who use the Human Rights Act to block their deportatio­n – if your home country has a criminal justice system which doesn’t come up to western standards you have an effective get- outof- jail- free card. The Govern- ment also knows it cannot keep migrants from other EU countries out of Britain – even if they are Romanian Big Issue- sellers who consume far more in benefits than they will ever earn. And so, in a pathetic attempt to try to fulfil David Cameron’s doomed promise to cut net migration to a few tens of thousands a year, the Home Office comes down heavy on anyone whom it is easy to deport – even if they would be a huge asset to Britain.

It isn’t just army translator­s who are being turned away. From last month workers from outside the EU have had to prove that they are earning at least £ 35,000 a year to be allowed to settle in Britain – even if they have already been living here, and paying into our tax system, for up to 10 years. The rule has caught out teachers, nurses, scientists and many others who contribute enormously to the economy.

It takes talent to devise an immigratio­n system which welcomes hate preachers but spurns nurses – yet that is exactly what the Government has managed to do.

Even without their contributi­on to the military campaign in Afghanista­n, army translator­s have skills which are essential if we are going to do business around the world. Our education system doesn’t exactly produce legions of competent speakers of foreign languages.

MOREOVER, anyone who has worked in dangerous conditions for the British Army has surely already proved a commitment to Britain. The Home Office subjects newcomers to bizarre citizenshi­p tests asking questions such as where the Scottish Grand National is held – as if a detailed knowledge of horse racing was a prerequisi­te to being a good citizen.

Yet it dismisses the case of those who have proved themselves in a far tougher test – working for Britain in a war zone.

It is too late to save Nangyalai Dawoodzai but we could help other Afghans who put their lives on the line. Surely, with net migration of more than 300,000 a year it would be a drop in the ocean to give shelter to the 200 or so translator­s who worked with British forces between 2001 and 2014.

If we need to make room for them there are plenty of idlers and terror suspects who could and should be removed from the country instead.

‘ Taliban threats to track down and kill’

 ??  ?? LANGUAGE BARRIER: A British serviceman making contact in Helmand province
LANGUAGE BARRIER: A British serviceman making contact in Helmand province
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