Daily Express

Peter Hil lBY


DID you know that apart from handing out £ 12billion a year ( soon to be £ 16billion) in foreign aid, much of which ends up in corrupt pockets and fatuous projects, your Government is giving £ 2billion to speed up Turkey’s entry into the European Union?

I only ask because I wonder if you wanted your money to be spent in this way since it will qualify 75 million Turks to migrate here very soon, along with another 50 million assorted Eastern Europeans from Ukraine and the Balkans. Too late to stop it anyway and the Romanians camping out in London’s Green Park next door to the Ritz will be joined by, yes, hordes scattered in public spaces and village greens throughout the land.

Apart from Scotland. They don’t seem to like it up there what with the rain, midges and uneatable bridies. Lucky Scots.

Eventually we will have to feed and house the newcomers, kit them out with flat screen TVs, find jobs and benefits, hospitals and doctors, schools and universiti­es for their children. They have a lot of children.

What? You don’t want this to happen? You didn’t vote for it? Tough. qI

BET you didn’t know, too, that you are paying for EU diplomats to luxuriate in palatial offices around the world. Auditors have discovered that many officials enjoy offices bigger than the average family home, up to 1,120sq ft of space apiece. The offices are also usually in the most expensive part of town.

Many buildings owned or rented by the European External Action Service – don’t take the word “action” literally – have been left empty for years. Meanwhile Euro MPs are trousering £ 1million a year. Ain’t life grand – for some? qMILLIONS

of public service workers including junior doctors, ambulance crews and teachers are planning industrial action this summer. The ostensible reason is to kill proposed pension reforms but the wider purpose is purely political: to destroy the Tory Government.

They know that a Labour Party now firmly in the hands of Leftwing loonies is unelectabl­e so they are abandoning democracy and turning to the general strike strategy.

Just like their idol Karl Marx they just don’t get it that the British are not revolution­aries. We despise extremists of every kind and eat bullies for breakfast. qI HAVE been gripped by the final stages of the World Snooker Championsh­ips. Don’t ask me why it’s exciting when it grinds on for hours and the final is best of, like, a million and one frames. Watching each of the players escape brilliant snooker traps, I wondered why there are no women in the championsh­ips. Snooker doesn’t need great strength, though stamina is important, and it should be a doddle for the gender that boasts it is adept at multi- tasking. Why, they could run a business and home on their smart phones in between visits to the table. Steve Davis believes women don’t have the “obsessive” nature of men for an “absolutely irrelevant” activity. Or do women grow up too quickly to go in for a misspent youth? qWHAT

with all these celebs dying and Old Father Time creeping up, I’m really not happy about the news that 40,000 patients every year are having Do Not Resuscitat­e orders slapped on their hospital beds without anyone bothering to consult their nearest and dearest.

Doctors can be arrogant and NHS patients through the decades have confirmed them in their conceit by being cringingly deferentia­l. I’m not saying they don’t care but some breeze patronisin­gly through the wards like little gods. They know best so no point troubling relatives.

In cases of extreme suffering death can be a gentle friend and I dare say I would welcome a helping hand if I were in that state, but it’s only polite for doctors to ask first. qLIKE

the police, the prison service has fallen into the trap of political correctnes­s, putting the assumed rights of offenders first. Thus Derbyshire Constabula­ry tried to keep a rapist’s name secret and now we learn that prison staff are catering for dozens of obscure religions.

Among them are more than 600 lags who claim to be pagans and are to be given robes, tall hats and, I kid you not… wands. Plus pagan chaplains and facilities to practise their faith. And covens of naked witches – OK, that’s just a dream. Come on, they’re havin’ a larf. Even prison dodger Fletch wouldn’t have dared to pull a dodge as ridiculous as that. qIS

the Labour Party of Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell and Ken Livingston­e anti- Semitic? Is the leader of Islamic State a Muslim? Of course it is anti- Semitic. Labour adores Islamic terrorists, hates Israel and all the Jewish people who live there or support it.

Corbyn is still saying he will continue talking with Hamas and Hezbollah. Islamists are his friends. And Brother Jeremy is a moderate compared with the fanatics who have taken over. His replacemen­t will be far more extreme. The traditiona­l Labour Party is history. Like the parrot, it is no more. It has ceased to be. qAS

the sheer awfulness of BHS mismanagem­ent unfolds, I celebrate one example of brilliant service. When my vac conked out recently Dyson sent a man round to collect it and returned it a few days later with a new motor. No charge although it is well out of guarantee. That’s the way to run a successful business.

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