Daily Express

Roy hudd Still making the huddlineS

- By Neil Clark

hERE are the News Huddlines. Comedian, actor, star of radio and television, variety performer and all- round national treasure Roy Hudd will be celebratin­g his 80th birthday later this month. The good news is that after 60 years of entertaini­ng the great British public he is fit and well and has no plans to retire.

“I’m touring with my one- man show, Roy Hudd’s Very Own Music Hall,” he tells me when we meet up in central London. “I’m also appearing in the British Music Hall Society’s Day By The Sea at Eastbourne in June and have got a part in a leading ITV series coming up.”

Despite his years Hudd retains a boyish enthusiasm for his work. “I’m so lucky that I have been able to make a living out of doing something that I love so much,” he says.

It has not always been easy. Born into a working- class family in Croydon, London, three years before the outbreak of the Second World War, Hudd lost his mother when he was only seven and did not know until many years later that she had committed suicide.

He was brought up by his grandmothe­r Alice. “She loved comics. We would go to the Croydon Empire every Tuesday night. We saw a lot of the young comics who had just come out of the forces, people like Max Bygraves, Harry Secombe and Bruce Forsyth.

“Whenever anyone made her laugh gran would always say, ‘ He’s a silly bugger!’ A few years later when I performed in a pantomime at the Croydon Boys’ Club she came to see me. Walking home I asked gran if she liked it. She said, ‘ I did you silly bugger!’ It was the greatest moment of my life!”

In 1959 Hudd appeared on the same bill at the Finsbury Park Empire as his idol Max Miller. He tells how Miller, who was notoriousl­y tight, said he would get Hudd and his comedy partner Eddie Kay a drink. He took them up to the bar and invited them to sit down. No drink was bought. Miller kept talking but there was still no drink.

tHEN during the interval members of the audience came into the bar. One saw Miller and asked if he could buy him a drink. The star said he would like a gin and tonic – and then asked Hudd and Kay what they would like. “He said he would ‘ get’ us a drink and he did – he didn’t mention ‘ buy’!” Hudd laughs.

In the early 1960s Hudd was making his name as a variety performer but unfortunat­ely the old halls were closing due to the growing popularity of television. “I owe a lot to my agent Morris Aza. He said: ‘ I want you to go to Richmond Theatre to audition for Twelfth Night.’ I said: ‘ Twelfth Night? What’s that then?’ He INFLUENCE: Roy with his gran Alice FRESH- FACED: Hudd in 1966, above, and below with June Whitfield and Chris Emmett in 2000 for The News Huddlines said it was Shakespear­e. I said: ‘ Bleedin’ Shakespear­e? I can hardly speak the English of today never mind about Shakespear­e!’

“Morris said: ‘ In about three or four years Variety will be finished. You’ve got to learn scripts and do other things.’ It was great advice. I have kept on the move ever since.”

Hudd’s big break on television came when he was invited to appear on new satire show, Not So Much a Programme, More A Way Of Life, created by Ned Sherrin, the man behind the groundbrea­king That Was the Week That Was. He then got his first television series, Hudd.

But in the late 1960s there was a blip in his career. Two legends came to his rescue. Comedian Arthur Askey had heard that Roy was having a hard time. “He insisted that I appeared with him in panto even though he had never met me before. He saved my bacon!”

Hudd then had two years working with the drag artist Danny La Rue in the West End. “Danny was the one who got me back in favour again. He was terrific.”

In 1975 a phone call from the BBC led to Hudd embarking on the project for which he is perhaps most famous: The News Huddlines. “It was probably the best thing I ever did. We had a wonderful time and it ran on Radio 2 for 26 years.”

The programme made fun of the week’s news but unlike similar shows today, its humour was never nasty. “I always said: ‘ Don’t pull the wings off the butterfly.’ But we were more subversive than today’s shows. By God, did we have a go at some of them,” says Hudd.

aLTHOUGH The News Huddlines continued to be popular with listeners there were some at the BBC who thought it was old- fashioned. “I was taken out to lunch by one of the bosses and he said: ‘ We all agree you should be more like Jonathan Ross.’ I couldn’t believe it. I said: ‘ Where’s my hat? I’m off.’ So that was that.” Hudd’s acting CV includes straight roles in many television series including Coronation Street, where he played undertaker Archie Shuttlewor­th, and The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes with Jeremy Brett. He made his big- screen debut in a horror film with Peter Cushing, who he remembers as “a terrific gentleman”. Hudd played Fagin in Oliver! in the West End and won an award for his portrayal of Bud Flanagan in the musical Underneath The Arches. “I have made some great friends down the years,” he reflects. “Dad’s Army star Bill Pertwee, who I appeared in pantomime with so many times, was a real dear friend.” Another “close chum” was the late comedian Victoria Wood. “She was bloody good. She never said a cruel thing about anything.” Hudd is delighted with the revived interest in music hall. “My show has done really well. The interestin­g thing is that an awful lot of young people come, which is quite amazing. The young people relate to the songs. “There is one I do from 1902 called While London’s Fast Asleep. It has got the most beautiful chorus. I do the song and you can hear a pin drop. There is another I sing called Your Dog’s Come Home Again. The man thinks he has lost his dog until there is a pitter- patter on the pathway. So many people have had a dog or lost one. The songs are timeless.” Just like the great Roy Hudd himself.

Roy Hudd’s Very Own Music Hall, royhuddsve­ryownmusic­hall. co. uk. British Music Hall Society’s Day By The Sea in Eastbourne, June 4, royalhippo­drome. com

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TIRELESS: Roy is still touring with his one- man music hall show
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