Daily Express

Mother is jailed for glassing rival in row over their children

- By Andy Russell

A DRUNKEN mother who smashed another woman in the face with a glass after a row over their children has been jailed for four years.

Gemma Simpson left Rebecca Winnard needing plastic surgery after the attack.

The clash was sparked by a row five weeks earlier when the mother- of- three’s daughter bit Ms Winnard’s son at a barbecue, Bolton Crown Court heard.

Simpson, 25, left the party “in a bad mood” and launched a tirade against Ms Winnard, 27, when the pair saw each other.

Ms Winnard had called into The New Inn pub in Little Lever, Greater Manchester, on her way home from a night out and was talking to friends last September.

Prosecutor Alaric Bassan said she was approached by Simpson who shouted: “You’re a mouthy bitch.”

Ms Winnard asked what she meant and Simpson claimed her daughter had been provoked.

A barmaid told the court she overheard Simpson accuse Ms Winnard of looking “smug” before picking up a glass and smashing it into her face “without warning”.

Simpson was arrested later and told police she had been drinking since 6pm and remembered little of what had happened, although she claimed she had not intended to harm anyone. Simpson, of Little Hulton, near Salford, was convicted of causing grievous bodily harm with intent and was jailed for four years. She denied the charge.

Judge Graeme Smith told Simpson that he accepted the attack had not been premeditat­ed and had taken into account her previous good character in deciding her sentence.

Detective Constable Stuart Round of Bolton police said: “This is a tragic case that has resulted in a young woman going to prison for a lengthy sentence.

“Simpson used a glass as a weapon which resulted in the victim requiring plastic surgery to try to rectify those injuries.

“She refused to admit her guilt and put the victim and witnesses through the ordeal of a trial.

“I would like to take this opportunit­y to praise the victim and witnesses for their courage and bravery throughout the case.”

Ms Winnard was left with severe swelling and cuts to her face which later needed corrective surgery to repair scarring.

 ??  ?? Gemma Simpson given four years
Gemma Simpson given four years

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