Daily Express

I’m lucky asthma doesn’t stop me living my life

The radio DJ and TV presenter tells ROZ LEWIS how exercise helps him manage the condition he has lived with since his teens

- Toby will be taking part in the Bloodwise Blenheim Palace Triathlon on June 4- 5, 2016 to raise funds for Heart Radio’s charity Make Some Noise. Today is World Asthma Day. To find out more about asthma, visit asthma. org. uk or call 0300 222 5800 ( open 9

IT MIGHT sound unlikely but for Toby Anstis, petting a cute fluffy kitten is a much more daunting prospect than taking part in a triathlon. The Heart FM DJ is so allergic to cats that even coming into contact with someone who has a few cat hairs on their clothing can trigger an asthma attack.

“It started when I was 17 or 18,” explains Toby, 45, from his London home. “My parents got two kittens called Tom and Jerry and around that time I got what I thought was a chest infection.

“I went to the doctor and was prescribed antibiotic­s but I didn’t get any better. Once it was obvious that medication wasn’t working I went back and they gave me a Ventolin inhaler and I was told to use it when I got wheezy. When this eased my symptoms I was diagnosed with asthma.”

“Looking back I might have noticed an issue as I was getting a little bit breathless in rugby matches now and then but it was a surprise to get the diagnosis,” admits Toby, who is single.

“As it was only mild asthma, I didn’t freak out. I had friends who were asthmatic so I knew it was something many people lived with.”

About 5.4 million people in the UK live with asthma. It is a chronic disease characteri­sed by recurrent attacks of breathless­ness and wheezing which vary in severity and frequency from person to person.

Some have attacks several times a day, some fewer. Asthma attacks can be triggered by a variety of factors. Pollen, allergies to cats and other pets, dust mites and smoke are all common.

For someone with severe asthma the condition needs extremely careful monitoring as it can lead to hospitalis­ation and according to research charity Asthma UK the condition kills three people every day in the UK.

Treatment is through medication. Preventati­ve inhalers which contain a very mild steroid are used in the morning each day to prevent infl ammation in the lungs, while Ventolin inhalers containing albuterol, a bronchodil­ator, relax muscles in the airways and increase airflow in the lungs when an attack is about to come on.

Asthma UK says these medication­s are life- changing and remarkably safe but only work for about half of asthmatics.

For the most part Toby, who is also allergic to horses, has managed to control his condition well, apart from one memorable occasion.

“There was just one time when I had a really sticky moment at work,” he explains. “I was rehearsing for The National Lottery Live, roller- blading around the car park outside BBC Television Centre in London. I had a fall, chipped my elbow and as the pain kicked in, so did my asthma.

“I didn’t have my inhaler on me and felt my breathing becoming strained. For a few minutes before I got to it I was scared as I was struggling to breathe.”

He adds: “These days, to control my asthma, I take a few puffs from a preventati­ve inhaler first thing in the morning and then use Ventolin if I feel I need it during the day.

“On a day- to- day basis I might have to use the Ventolin occasional­ly if I get breathless on air which is very rare or sometimes if I start running hard on the treadmill that will set my lungs off.

“At this time of the year I’ve noticed that pollen can also irritate me a bit, as my eyes get a bit itchy and my asthma can seem worse. I’ve not had to take antihistam­ine medication yet for hay fever but it is something I am aware of.”

To stay healthy, Toby keeps as fit as he can. “I have always been into fitness and I am doing a couple of triathlons later this summer. I find exercising keeps me happy and it keeps my lungs strong.

“The only other thing that triggers my asthma is being exposed to very cold air in the winter, so I have to be careful about that.”

Having his fl at renovated recently has meant Toby has also been suffering with the dust that the loft conversion has generated.

“The work went on for 10 weeks and as I lived at home while it was happening, the dust did make my asthma worse.

“I’m not sure if I am allergic to dust mites too. I keep on top of my asthma by having regular check- ups with my GP.”

Toby’s efforts to keep super fi t have meant he has picked up some injuries. “Four or fi ve years ago I was doing a lot of heavy weights in the gym and then I went home and had to lift a sofa. I got an inguinal hernia in my groin which needed repairing surgically.

“When I came around from the operation I remember it hurt quite a bit once the painkiller­s had worn off. However I was back doing light exercise soon afterwards.

“These days, with all the training I am doing for the triathlons, I get recurrent problems with my rotator cuff on my right shoulder. That can get a bit aggravated if I am doing boxing drills with my personal trainer. I can also get a touch of sciatica too in my right leg if I am running hard.”

Yet despite these niggling injuries Toby is hoping his efforts in a triathlon this year will help raise money for the charity Make Some Noise which Heart Radio supports.

Last year it raised £ 2million for projects working with disadvanta­ged youngsters.

Toby also works with children’s charity Make- A- Wish and has hosted its Valentine’s Ball for the past three years.

“It is really important to give something back and make other people’s lives better,” says Toby.

“I’m lucky in that asthma doesn’t stop me living my life. For others, it is far more serious.”

‘ It was a surprise to get the diagnosis’ ‘ I keep on top of my asthma with regular checks’

 ?? Pictures: EMPICS/ GETTY ?? SUPER FIT: DJ Toby, pictured above with Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall in his radio studio, is training for a charity triathlon in June
Pictures: EMPICS/ GETTY SUPER FIT: DJ Toby, pictured above with Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall in his radio studio, is training for a charity triathlon in June
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