Daily Express

Our top astrologer

- Lori Reid

Celebratin­g on this day:

Aries Mar 21 – Apr 20

With things slowing down you have time to appreciate your good fortune and get closer to loved ones. Don’t firm up plans or spend money until you see the lie of the land. A clearer view comes tonight. Call me to hear why informatio­n is tough to come by.

Taurus Apr 21 – May 21

Keep your head down and stay quiet. Take the chance to rest, think and draw breath. Work on private affairs, health and new plans. This evening you’re ready to re- enter the scene and assume control. Call me to hear about the financial slow down.

Gemini May 22 – June 21

With people changing their minds it’s hardly surprising that social plans may hit snags. Don’t try to steer the activity. Relax and take whatever happens in your stride. Cosy up with the one you love tonight. Call me to hear why relationsh­ips are tricky.

Cancer June 22 – July 23

Official dealings may come to a standstill because people are unavailabl­e so finish off any on- going tasks. Tomorrow will bring some new developmen­ts. Make time to catch up with friends this evening. Call me to hear why a task loses momentum.

Leo July 24 – Aug 23

Don’t be caught out today. Top- level changes are coming into play and you need to have your fi nger on the button. Happily with the sun at the pinnacle of your skies the spotlight is on you. Step up tonight. Call me to hear why luck and love are iffy.

Virgo Aug 24 – Sep 23

You have quite a lot of paperwork to get through today. Fortunatel­y, you won’t be disturbed so you can tuck yourself away. But double check for mistakes. A trip, outing or romantic event puts you on the map tonight. Call me to hear why a rethink is required.

Libra Sep 24 – Oct 23

Little that is promised today is likely to come into effect so your calm nature now stands you in good stead. But the emphasis changes tonight. A meaningful chat with someone close goes deep. Call me to hear why plans are now put on hold.

Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22

Take the opportunit­y to iron out problems and review work. Even if you catch yourself day dreaming, your subconscio­us is working up new plans. So none of this is wasted time. Love is on your horizon tonight. Call me to hear about your money situation.

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21

Make this a quiet day for thinking and planning. Follow your creative muse. Whether it’s a favourite hobby or romance, an old fl ame is rekindled. Later, there’s work to do but you’re inspired and driven. Call me to hear why life seems to be on a go- slow.

Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 20

With so many planets in retrograde motion you find yourself either catching up with favourite relatives, caught up in household repairs or reworking domestic arrangemen­ts. Tonight is for romance. Call me to hear why you now need to slow down.

Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19

You want to push ahead today but lights turn red at every junction. Instead of champing at the bit, make use of the lull to plan ahead. House, home and family? Make those arrangemen­ts in your mind now. Call me to hear why a goal is deferred.

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20

Check your sums carefully today. Slack in the system could let mistakes filter through unnoticed. If you must buy, insist on a proof of purchase. Convivial chats, calls or company make for a pleasant evening. Call me to hear why a project is put on hold.

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