Daily Express

No recovery time with new piles treatment

Simple walk- in, walk- out procedure is now available in London and eleven other locations


“There was no recovery time at all. I honestly feel like a new woman!”


OME eight million of us suffer from the irksome problem of haemorrhoi­ds, or piles, according to recent estimates.

Yet NHS data shows that surprising­ly few come forward for treatment. And perhaps it’s little wonder. Surgery can leave patients in pain for weeks afterwards. Not to mention the embarrassm­ent factor. Only sexually transmitte­d diseases cause people more medical blushes, a survey by YouPoll reveals. One in seven piles sufferers even avoids sport or taking a holiday, and one in six has needed to take time off work. But there is a new treatment that could shrink piles without the worry. The treatment works by applying a very low voltage current to the base of the pile for up to ten minutes, causing it to shrink. This procedure is completely non- invasive - no needles or sharp instrument­s are used. Many patients feel instant relief from the moment they stand up. Almost all can then return to normal activities without having to spend time recovering. More than120,000 patients have now been treated worldwide. What’s more, this is the first new treatment for haemorrhoi­ds to be approved by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence ( NICE) in more than five years. NICE approval is given only to treatments that are safe and effective. This new therapy is only available privately at the moment, but the NICE decision should open the door to such treatment on the NHS. Patients seem to agree. Ann Collins from Yorkshire had the procedure last year. “I researched reviews on Ultroid from the US and knew immediatel­y that I had nothing to lose. My GP supported my decision so I rang them. The treatment itself took no time at all; I was out of the clinic within about an hour. The treatment was pain- free, and I actually walked out of the clinic in less discomfort than when I walked in and went sightseein­g and shopping. There was no recovery time at all. I honestly feel like a new woman! I am able to do things that I have not been able to do for years, and my social life has never been so active.”

More and more people are being attracted to this convenient treatment

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