Daily Express

PM refuses to say sorry for labelling Trump as ‘ stupid’

- By David Maddox Political Reporter

DONALD Trump “deserves respect” after winning the race to be Republican candidate for the White House, David Cameron said yesterday.

However, the Prime Minister refused to apologise for calling the US billionair­e “stupid and divisive” over his plan to ban Muslims from entering America.

Downing Street officials refused to rule out a meeting between the two men when Trump makes his expected visit to Britain this summer.

The ban on Muslims was announced after a terrorist atrocity in America and proved popular with Republican party members. But it led to a petition to have Trump, who has business interests in Scotland, banned from entering the UK.

Trump is poised to win the Republican nomination after his last two rivals dropped out of the race this week.

Mr Cameron insisted he stood by his opposition to Trump’s stance on Muslims. He said: “It is a matter for voters in the United States to decide who choose as their next president.

“I have to say that knowing the gruelling nature of the primaries, and what you have to go through, anyone who makes it through that extraordin­ary contest to lead their party into a general election certainly deserves our respect.

“What I said about Muslims, I won’t change that view, I don’t change that view. I am very clear that the policy idea that was put forward was wrong, is wrong, and will remain wrong.” In response to Mr Trump’s inflammato­ry comments in December, Mr Cameron said he was proud to be Prime Minister of such a diverse country as the United Kingdom.

He told the Commons at the time: “I think his remarks are divisive, stupid and wrong. If he came to visit our country, I think he would unite us all against him.” they

 ??  ?? Trump is due in UK
Trump is due in UK

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