Daily Express

Loved funny business

Gareth Gwenlan Former BBC head of comedy BORN APRIL 26, 1937 - DIED MAY 8, 2016, AGED 79


AS the former head of comedy at the BBC Gareth Gwenlan had a knack for knowing what was funny. During his career he commission­ed, produced and directed TV classics such as Yes, Minister, To The Manor Born, The Fall And Rise Of Reginald Perrin, Blackadder and Only Fools And Horses among many others.

Given such a remarkable hit-rate it’s perhaps not surprising to learn that while he was in charge between 1983 and 1990, the corporatio­n won best comedy at the Bafta Awards every year as well as three Emmys.

“If I’d been a West End producer and I’d had my sort of success rate on Shaftesbur­y Avenue I’d be a very rich man indeed,” he once told an interviewe­r.

For all his triumphs, however, Gwenlan did admit to making mistakes including trying to persuade the producer of One Foot In The Grave that Richard Wilson was not the right choice for the role of Victor Meldrew. He was also the man who axed Are You Being Served?, Sorry starring Ronnie Corbett and Clarence, with Ronnie Barker as a short-sighted removal man.

Talking in 1990 about his decision to dump the once hugely popular sitcoms he confessed that Are You Being Served?, starring Mollie Sugden as Mrs Slocombe and John Inman as Mr Humphries, used to make him “cringe”. “It was smutty, sexist and end-of-the-pier stuff,” he said. Similarly he thought Sorry had run its course by 1988. “For seven series it had done very good business for us but the last series stretched the public’s credulity to breaking point,” he explained.

However he was proud of keeping Blackadder alive when the then programme director Michael Grade wasn’t interested in renewing it. Gwenlan disagreed so contacted the writer Richard Curtis and told him to rewrite the first episode of the second series.

“Curtis did it over the weekend with a friend Ben Elton. That episode became the first in Blackadder II – the one that was set during Elizabetha­n times which many see as the best,” he revealed.

Born on a farm in Brecon, Powys, Gwenlan was brought up by his widowed mother and grandparen­ts in Cefn Coed, near Merthyr Tydfil. And after completing his National Service in the RAF he went to university and then drama school.

Despite being a competent actor he always wanted to direct and got a break when the director at the Derby Playhouse fell ill and he took over.

“I managed to totter through the play and the theatre board asked me if I would like to carry on while the director was off,” he said in 2002. “He was in hospital for three months and when he got back to work he made me his assistant.”

After a year spent at the Royal Northern College of Music , where he produced a number of operas including Otello and Madame Butterfly, Gwenlan then joined the BBC drama department in 1965 before he made the move to comedy two years later. Once asked what makes good comedy he said: “I’d describe it as a bit like shovelling smoke. For every rule I could give, I’d be able to think of a comedy which flouts it. “But I do think that good comedy has a platform of truth. Porridge, for example, said more about what it’s like to be locked up in prison than any documentar­y could.” In 2002 he returned to Wales to head the new comedy department at BBC Wales. Among many accolades he received during his career was a Royal Television Society Fellowship in 1987, 12 Bafta nomination­s, two wins and an OBE. He is survived by his third wife Gail, a son and a daughter.

 ??  ?? CUSHTY: Gwenlan, with his OBE, brought Del Boy to the BBC
CUSHTY: Gwenlan, with his OBE, brought Del Boy to the BBC
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 ?? Pictures: GETTY, BBC ??
Pictures: GETTY, BBC

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