Daily Express

Corbyn in row over train ‘lie’

- Leo McKinstry

LABOUR leader Jeremy Corbyn turned angrily on a questioner yesterday as the row over his “ram-packed” train claim continued.

Mr Corbyn was filmed sitting on the floor of a Virgin train, complainin­g it was overcrowde­d.

But operator Virgin released images showing there were spare seats available and of Mr Corbyn sitting in one of them later.

Asked by a journalist if he was a “liar”, Mr Corbyn said: “I was hoping you were going to ask questions about the National Health Service, but sadly you’re not. I deplore the use of that language in any context; I don’t use it myself and I don’t use it today.”

THE pose as a man of principle is central to Jeremy Corbyn’s image. Cloaked in righteous, socialist piety he presents himself as a kind of bearded secular saint who hovers beatifical­ly above the Westminste­r cesspit. Indeed the slogan of his victorious bid for the Labour leadership last year was: “Straight talking, honest politics.”

Yet his boasts of integrity have now been exposed as a sham due to a cynical stunt that has backfired disastrous­ly. In a move designed to highlight overcrowdi­ng on the privatised rail network, Corbyn had his team film him on the floor of a mid-morning train service operated by Virgin from London to Newcastle.

With his usual tone of weary earnestnes­s he claimed he was forced to adopt this uncomforta­ble position because the train was so “ram-packed” – to use his mangled phrase – that he was unable to find a seat. Having proclaimed solidarity with other hard-pressed passengers he then argued for renational­isation.

But political propaganda only works if it contains an essence of truth. Corbyn’s exercise was based on deceit, which soon became clear as his account unravelled.

Virgin, understand­ably aggrieved, launched a devastatin­g rebuttal. The company not only put out a statement which made clear that plenty of accommodat­ion was available but it even released CCTV footage of Corbyn walking past a host of empty seats and later, after his pathetic video had been shot, taking up residence in an uncrowded carriage.

CORBYN was revealed as just another dissemblin­g politician, eager to distort the facts for political ends. In response to Virgin, his allies twisted and turned, desperate to come up with an explanatio­n.

One initial excuse was that seats were freed up as passengers disembarke­d during the journey. But this was nonsense since the CCTV images showed that Corbyn was ensconced in his place long before the first stop of York was reached.

Another excuse was that the many seats may have looked empty but in fact they had bags and coats on them. So where were all the occupants – in the toilets? Then Corbyn’s team wailed about the unfair use of CCTV footage. But he and his aides were the ones who decided to film in public. Finally Corbyn admitted that there had been empty seats on the train but he wanted two together so he could be beside his wife. According to him, such a pair only became available when a family upgraded to first-class.

Instead of winning more public support for his radical socialist agenda this saga has turned Corbyn into a laughing stock. His extremism had already brought him to record lows of unpopulari­ty. Now his antics have led to ridicule. “Virgin treated him as a VIP – Very Idiotic Person,” said one wag. “Do not stand here – this part of the floor is reserved for Jeremy Corbyn,” read one cartoon.

Corbyn emerges not just as a hypocrite but also a rank incompeten­t. He behaved not like an alternativ­e prime minister but like a clueless, sulky backpacker, full of airy opinions but devoid of basic organisati­on. None of this farce would have happened if his office had actually bothered to make a set of reservatio­ns for the train like millions of Britons do all the time. It is not as if in the age of the internet that the booking process is difficult. But this clown, who laughably aspires to run our country, could not even be bothered to book his tickets in advance.

Such spectacula­r ineptitude, when allied to his quasirevol­utionary zealotry, is precisely why his own Parliament­ary Party has turned so ferociousl­y against him.

Yet Corbyn refuses to face up to his colossal failings. He is a man of monstrous vanity, full of messianic self-importance and peevish anger if challenged. “Thank you for invading my private space,” he whined to journalist­s on Tuesday night outside his home. Well, if he does not like press attention why on earth does he still want to be Labour leader?

To Corbyn’s adoring, deluded followers the train fiasco is just another example of media bias against their hero. Unable to tolerate even a whisper of criticism against him they have turned Labour from a serious party into a deranged personalit­y cult. Their brainwashe­d detachment from reality is illustrate­d all too clearly in this case as they indulge in wild conspiraci­es about doctored CCTV footage or a plot by Richard Branson, the owner of Virgin, to undermine the fight for rail renational­isation.

ABSURDLY the cultists even complain about the excessive focus on this train issue when it was Corbyn who deliberate­ly manufactur­ed a row in the first place with his childish floor-sitting protest.

They are not even right about a return of the railways to public ownership. Contrary to their moans, rail privatisat­ion has been a huge success, bringing new investment, better rolling stock, an improved infrastruc­ture and a phenomenal increase in passenger numbers after years of decline under British Rail.

Corbyn and his acolytes want the railways back under state control because they have an ideologica­l hatred of private enterprise. But thankfully there is little chance that they will have the chance to implement their misguided policy.

As his present humiliatio­n reveals, Corbyn is unfit for any kind of public office, never mind the premiershi­p.

‘Corbyn is a man of monstrous vanity’

 ?? Picture: PA ?? SIT DOWN! The Labour leader apparently searching for a free Virgin train seat
Picture: PA SIT DOWN! The Labour leader apparently searching for a free Virgin train seat
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