Daily Express

Planet found that may support life... a mere 25 trillion miles away

- By Robert Kellaway

A ROCKY planet that may harbour life has been discovered in a solar system four light years from Earth.

Proxima b, which is slightly larger than Earth, orbits Proxima Centauri, our closest star. At 25 trillion miles it is a long way off but scientists believe Proxima b is close enough to be reached by future generation­s of super-fast spacecraft.

Robot probes could soon be sent to Proxima b to look for life on its surface, where temperatur­es in the “habitable zone” allow water to exist.

Further into the future it could be colonised by space travellers if conditions are survivable. It is very different. A year on it lasts just 11 days.

Dr Guillem Anglada-Escude from London’s Queen Mary University, who led an internatio­nal team of astronomer­s, said: “Succeeding in the search for the nearest terrestria­l planet beyond the solar system has been an experience of a lifetime.

“We hope these findings inspire future generation­s to keep looking beyond the stars. The search for life on Proxima b comes next.”

Proxima Centauri is a dim “red dwarf” in the constellat­ion of Centaurus which from Earth appears as the third brightest star in the night sky.

Astronomer­s at the European Southern Observator­y in Chile’s Atacama desert used a “planet searcher” to measure a tiny “wobble” in Proxima Centauri’s position as it interacted with Proxima b’s gravity.

Data suggested the presence of a planet 1.3 times larger than Earth orbiting at a distance of 4.5 million miles and taking 11.2 days to complete its journey around the star.

Report co-author Dr Mikko Tuomi said: “The findings show the planet has a rocky surface and is only a fraction more massive than Earth.”

Astronomer­s found hints of a planet in 2000 but it took till now before they could reveal the discovery, reported in the journal Nature, to the world.

 ?? Picture: PA ?? A NEW DAWN? Artist’s impression of Proxima Centauri rising over the rocky surface of Proxima b
Picture: PA A NEW DAWN? Artist’s impression of Proxima Centauri rising over the rocky surface of Proxima b

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