Daily Express


Natascha Kampusch was freed after eight years as a sex slave a decade ago. Yet she has kept her kidnapper’s home and sometimes even stays there

- By Jane Warren

IT IS 10 years since Natascha Kampusch escaped through the front gate of the house in the Vienna suburb of Strasshof and ran for her life through gardens and by jumping over fences. After ending up on an allotment, fearful that she was being pursued by the man who had held her captive for more than eight years and had momentaril­y taken his eyes off her as he made a phone call, she knocked on the window of a woman in a nearby house. “Please help me,” she said.

The 71-year-old woman asked what she was doing in her garden and then called the police. They were amazed to discover the existence of the 18-year-old who had been missing since the age of 10 after she was snatched in March 1998 on the way to school.

For 3,096 days, obsessivec­ompulsive loner Wolfgang “Wolfi” Priklopil had kept Natascha in a secret cellar measuring little more than 53sq ft, where he beat her, starved her and raped her. She was gradually allowed into other parts of the house to cook and clean and when she was older was occasional­ly taken outside by her captor. On the night of her escape Priklopil, who was 26 years her senior, threw himself under a train.

Yet despite the unimaginab­le horror of her teenage years Natascha bewildered the profession­als who supported her. She was erudite and composed with a wide vocabulary and a broad education.

Now on the 10th anniversar­y of her escape Natascha, 28, has written her second book. In 10 Years Of Freedom she reflects on her readjustme­nt to her new life of liberty and her decision to hold on to the house where she was imprisoned. To her the building remains a palpable link to the horrific past that defines her and which she continues to try to understand.

She may have made an estimated £5million from media work, including the sale of film rights and her own chat show, but she has gradually withdrawn from the public eye. Solitude has proved easier to bear than scrutiny.

NATASCHA says: “Some people misunderst­and me. They think I am broken. I refuse to be defined by what happened.” Some find it strange she does not sell the house, left to her in her captor’s will. There have been claims that she even spends a few nights a week there.

Trauma expert Dr James Thompson, honorary senior lecturer in psychology at University College, London, believes she is doing the right thing. “The reason that Natascha Kampusch survived and did not become a corpse in a cellar is that she out-psyched her captor, despite him having physical control over her and despite her being a helpless child,” he says. “She was far brighter than him and had a far more balanced personalit­y.”

He believes that Miss Kampusch was “working on” her abductor from the start and this is how she managed to survive the most dangerous first 24 hours of her kidnapping when being murdered was the most likely outcome.

“She was at the mercy of a deluded, isolated, paranoid obsessiona­lcompulsiv­e, who felt so totally inadequate he wanted a child-slave to dominate in compensati­on for his lack of status in society,” he explains.

Natascha’s masterstro­ke was in the way she let him hope the story would have a happy ending – a conclusion that she sometimes believed herself. “In all this the cost to her was great,” says Dr Thompson. “The captor was by far the most essential element of her life and he accounted for well over half her conscious memories and all of the most terrifying ones.”

But although she was unable to get him to release her she was able to get him to comply with her intellectu­al requiremen­ts. He bought her the books she requested and she was able to home-school herself and watch highly educationa­l TV programmes.

He may have shown little empathy but she was focused on looking for examples of tenderness in his otherwise inhumane treatment of her. This, says Dr Thompson, is a sensible survival strategy.

“She saw moments when he might have been capable of compassion and treasured them because her life depended on it.”

Part of the way she has coped is by accepting ownership of the house of her abuser. Dr Thompson believes this psychologi­cally healthy decision gives her some “ownership” over her past. “Surprising as it may seem she was right. It belongs to her for as long as she wishes, in the same way Auschwitz belongs to the Jews as a permanent memorial to suffering.

“When their clients feel ready for it psychologi­sts try to return with them to the scene of the trauma. We say the house was her prison but it was also the place where she spent her formative life. It was her entire world where she coped with being dependent on a mad person’s will and where she cheated death. She certainly does not want anyone else walking around it.”

RECENTLY there were claims that Priklopil had been murdered and his body placed on the tracks to make his death look like suicide. The report implicated Priklopil’s friend, a business associate named Ernst Holzapfel, who admits he was introduced to Natascha during her captivity but claims he had no idea she had been kidnapped.

German news magazine Der Spiegel revealed that two coroners investigat­ing the case believe the death was “not investigat­ed to acceptable forensic standards” by police and that Priklopil may have been dead before the train decapitate­d him. There were even suggestion­s that Natascha was complicit in her kidnapping.

She is weary of such theories. “I stayed strong when I was captive and managed to keep my identity and inner strength. When I freed myself I was in the focus of the world’s media and I lost my selfesteem. Now I have won [my selfesteem] back. I know my own place in society. I’m more confident.” It is possible that ownership of the house also offers her the concept of a sanctuary from the outside world. Having spent so many of her formative years with just one other person Natascha has talked of her struggle with social situations. She found the noise of her fellow students at high school after her liberty to be unbearable and left. “Although people may be sympatheti­c it is very unrelaxing to be in a room with them,” she once said.

In the early years Priklopil would sit with her, feed her, brush her teeth and read her bedtime stories. For eight years he was her abuser and her carer in one. And his house was both horror and home.

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 ??  ?? FACE OF A PSYCHOPATH: Obsessive-compulsive Wolfgang Priklopil, left, abducted Natascha Kampusch, above, when she was 10 and held her captive in his house in Vienna’s Strasshof district. Main picture, Natascha today, trying to come to terms with her...
FACE OF A PSYCHOPATH: Obsessive-compulsive Wolfgang Priklopil, left, abducted Natascha Kampusch, above, when she was 10 and held her captive in his house in Vienna’s Strasshof district. Main picture, Natascha today, trying to come to terms with her...
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