Daily Express

Are we visited by the spirit of loved ones as they die?

Many believe that our family and friends can share the moment of their passing with us no matter where they are. Two women tell their stories

- Interviews by MONICA CAFFERKY

MOST of us have heard of “near-death experience­s”, where people return from the “other side” after travelling down a tunnel towards a bright light. But now another kind of phenomenon is creating waves in the spirit world: the “shared death experience” (SDE).

SDEs are said to occur when a dying person’s spirit makes contact with a loved one just before or during their death as a way of saying goodbye or sending a warning of what’s to come.

Former intensive care nurse Dr Penny Sartori, who has spent over 20 years researchin­g what happens during death, says: “I’ve met people who have seen their deceased loved ones at the point of death, sensed their presence or smelt their perfume despite being hundreds or sometimes thousands of miles away.

“In some cases people have manifested the dying person’s symptoms or a wind has blown through the house when the weather is calm outside.”

Like near-death experience­s, many scientists view SDEs as a hallucinat­ion triggered by intense emotions. But anecdotal evidence suggests that a deeper spiritual experience is taking place.

“Most doctors and health profession­als are afraid to talk about these experience­s because they go against everything they’ve been taught at medical school. But the more these types of anomalies are discussed openly, the more we can accept our current view of consciousn­ess is out of date,” says Dr Sartori.

Here two readers share their experience­s of SDE.


ANNIE CAP, 54, is a holistic therapist and ceramicist from Canterbury, Kent One minute I was counsellin­g a client and the next I was gasping for breath. The gagging sensation was so overwhelmi­ng I had to ask my client to leave the room.

I also felt an urgent need to ring my mother Betty, who had been taken ill in Oregon, USA, a few days earlier on Boxing Day, 2003. After being hospitalis­ed my mother, who was 78, had been kept in for tests and within days of her admittance her organs started to shut down. Sadly I couldn’t get a flight and was really upset because I couldn’t be with her. In the moments after my shortness of breath I called my sister Claire who informed me mum didn’t have long left to live. The family were already gathered around her bedside.

Claire held the phone to mum’s ear. I heard her wheezing the same way I had been doing moments earlier and I was able to tell her how much I loved her and say goodbye. Then I heard her take her last breath. I felt so blessed to have been with her at the end.

This startling event took place on January 2, 2004, and although I was devastated, it was a lifechangi­ng moment. I firmly believe my mother connected with me as her soul was leaving this world because she wanted to say goodbye.

Until then I had never believed in life after death. However the experience sent me on a sevenyear quest to find out what had happened that day.

My findings blew me away and led to me writing a book called Beyond Goodbye.

I discovered from experts around the world, including Dr Penny Sartori, that my SDE was real, just like many of the other cases they had investigat­ed. I learnt that in some cultures in the East the shared death experience is considered normal. My kind of experience is viewed as positive and even anticipate­d rather than feared and denied.

But here in the West we are forced to hide these wonderful and spiritual events to avoid being ridiculed or deemed crazy. Dying, however, is a natural part of life and I now firmly believe that our consciousn­ess lives on after death.


MARIA MORRIS, 48, lives in Southbourn­e, Dorset. She is an occupation­al therapist I was 11-years-old and doing the washing up in the kitchen with my dad Bill when he told me he had once seen the ghost of his mother.

His mum, my gran, had appeared outside the kitchen window on the day she died.

I was surprised and thrilled by this family story but dad didn’t go into more detail. Even so I knew he was telling me the truth.

Then in 2008 when dad passed away from prostate cancer at the age of 66, I had my own ghostly encounter with him.

A few days before his death, when he was in a hospice three miles away, I was at dad’s house with his sister Rhonni.

The two of us were in the kitchen washing up. I was stood at the sink with Rhonni next to me and as I looked out of the kitchen window I saw a wispy white mist floating past.

Initially I thought: “Is that a net curtain?” But the white mist formed into the shape of a person.

It hovered outside the window, inches away, then whizzed off to the side. I asked Rhonni: “Did you see that?”

“I know what that was,” she replied. “So do I,” I said.

Without prompting, my aunt said she felt dad had come home to tell us to prepare ourselves. “He’s visiting one last time to say goodbye,” she added.

I opened the door to see if the mist was still there but it had gone. I hadn’t imagined it and neither had my aunt. We both burst into tears.

I saw the mist on the Wednesday and on the Friday dad passed away peacefully at the hospice. But there’s more. On the morning of his death I woke up at 5.30am with a sensation that felt like a sword striking my heart. It was momentaril­y painful. I sat bolt upright and my immediate reaction was: “Am I having a heart attack?” Next, I thought about dad and instinctiv­ely knew that he had gone.

Five minutes later my mobile rang with the confirmati­on that he’d passed over at 5.30am. I didn’t feel scared by these events, I felt reassured. It was comforting to know that dad was thinking of me and it was a relief to know he had found peace.

I’ve not discussed these experience­s until now because most people would think I was mad. But I know that they were real. It was dad’s way of saying goodbye.

What Is A Near Death Experience? by Dr Penny Sartori (Watkins, £7.99) and Beyond Goodbye by Annie Cap (Paragon Publishing, £9.99) are available to order from the Express Bookshop on 01872 562310 or by visiting expressboo­kshop.com. To order by post, send a cheque (payable to Express Bookshop) to Express Bookshop, PO Box 200 Falmouth TR11 4WJ. UK delivery is free.

 ??  ?? FINAL GOODBYE: Annie Cap, above left, and with mother Betty and Maria Morris, also pictured with father Bill, believe in shared death experience­s
FINAL GOODBYE: Annie Cap, above left, and with mother Betty and Maria Morris, also pictured with father Bill, believe in shared death experience­s

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