Daily Express


Tomorrow marks 350 years since one careless baker started a blaze that devastated our nation’s capital

- By James Moore The Museum of London’s exhibition Fire! Fire! runs until April 17 next year

AS FLAMES ravaged his beloved city celebrated diarist Samuel Pepys wrote: “It made me weep to see it.” Now, 350 years on from what became known as the Great Fire of London, the tragedy is being marked with a special exhibition and the minting of a new coin.

The Museum of London is displaying relics from the blaze, from melted keys to a scorched Bible, the Royal Mint has released a £2 coin with scenes of the capital burning and on Sunday a wooden replica almost 400ft long of London’s 17th-century skyline will be set alight on the River Thames.

Here, on the eve of the anniversar­y, we reveal 30 fascinatin­g facts about the nation’s most notorious inferno…


London was only just recovering from the Great Plague of 1665 – which had left as many as 100,000 of its residents dead – when fire broke out on the morning of Sunday, September 2, 1666.


It had been a long, hot summer, leaving the portion of the city inside the old walls at risk. The houses in the narrow medieval streets virtually touched thanks to protruding jetties.


The fire began at about 1am in the house of the king’s baker, Thomas Farynor, on Pudding Lane. It’s believed that he failed to put out the fire in his ovens. Sparks ignited some flour sacks nearby.


Farynor’s manservant, asleep downstairs, woke choking and raised the alarm. Within minutes the ground floor of the bakery was ablaze and the servant – along with Farynor and his daughter Hannah – were forced to scramble out of an upstairs window, escaping over rooftops.


A maid also living in the house was too afraid to climb out of the 40ft building and perished in the flames. The others survived though Hannah suffered burns to her face and arms.


Within 30 minutes the neighbouri­ng property was ablaze and, fanned by a strong easterly wind, the fire quickly spread.


In the 17th century there was no official fire service and few effective fire engines. While parishes were expected to keep leather water buckets, axes and fire-hooks for pulling down dangerous burning buildings, the city was illequippe­d to battle such a blaze.


An hour into the fire parish constables decided buckets of water weren’t enough and that neighbouri­ng properties needed to be pulled down. They roused the Lord Mayor Sir Thomas Bloodworth to ask for permission.


When Bloodworth arrived he refused to act, insisting that the fire wasn’t serious and that “a woman could p*** it out!”


By morning 300 houses had been consumed and soon the flames began to engulf nearby wharves and warehouses by the Thames, which bulged with combustibl­e materials such as timber, tar, rope, oil, alcohol and gunpowder.


Panic gripped the city and wild rumours spread that the fire was part of an attack by Dutch or French plotters. Some thought the fire had supernatur­al origins – the number 666 being associated with the Devil.


Samuel Pepys lived not far from Pudding Lane and by Sunday afternoon he had gone to the Tower of London to get a better view. He was shocked to see the extent of the fire, which was spreading to the houses on London Bridge too.


Pepys described seeing pigeons “hovering about the windows and balconies till some of them burned their wings and fell down”. Hiring a boat that evening he described “a most horrid, malicious, bloody flame, not like the fine flame of an ordinary fire”.


By Sunday afternoon 100 houses were being burned down every hour and residents began desperatel­y trying to move their valuables out of the city causing a huge crush. Prices for renting a cart rose from a couple of shillings to as much as £40, a fortune at the time.


Others bundled belongings on to boats and fled to the south bank of the Thames which had largely escaped the fire. Huge refugee camps sprang up on the outskirts of the city.


Sparks and embers carried on the wind caused the fire to break out in new areas, thwarting firefighte­rs. Fourteen-year-old schoolboy William Taswell wrote: “I myself saw great flakes carried up into the air at least three furlongs (nearly 2,000 feet).”


Efforts to put out the fire with water from the Thames proved futile and on Monday morning King Charles II’s brother James, Duke of York, took charge of the firefighti­ng, press-ganging men to pull down buildings in a desperate bid to stop more of the city being destroyed but the conflagrat­ion was out of control.


On Tuesday the King is said to have lent a hand helping to demolish buildings and distributi­ng rewards to those recruited to fight the flames.


However, even he couldn’t save St Paul’s cathedral. Its roof caught fire and diarist John Evelyn wrote of “the melting lead running down the streets in a stream”. Even the cathedral’s stones exploded.


At times the flames rose to 100ft and the fire raged so fiercely that people as far away as Oxford were able to see the smoke. Pieces of burnt paper travelled as far as Windsor.


Finally after four days the wind that had been stoking the flames began to die down and the firebreaks started to have an effect. But by Wednesday evening much of London was a smoulderin­g ruin.


Melted pottery fragments reveal that temperatur­es reached a scorching 1,700C – hot enough to melt lead and gold.


About 80 per cent of the old city – 436 acres – was destroyed, about a third of London including its suburbs. More than 13,200 houses and 87 out of 109 parish churches had gone along with 52 livery company halls and the Royal Exchange. An estimated 80,000 people were left homeless and smoke was still rising from the ashes six months later.


In the words of Pepys, medieval London was now “all in dust” but military engineers had blown up enough houses to save the Tower of London – with its huge store of gunpowder – and also Pepys’s own house, where he had buried his prized parmesan cheese in the garden for safety.


Officially only six deaths from the fire were recorded, although thousands may have actually been killed with many bodies of the poor left unrecognis­able by the flames.


After the fire Thomas Farynor was questioned by investigat­ors and insisted that he had put his ovens out at 10pm the evening before the blaze began. He eventually went back to baking and died in 1670.


Farynor was aided by the fact that a French watchmaker called Robert Hubert had “confessed” to starting the fire. He was hanged at Tyburn in October 1666 but it was later discovered he could not have done it as he was on a ship in the North Sea at the time.


In the aftermath a stone column was erected as a memorial. What became known simply as the Monument still stands today at 202ft tall – the distance from the Monument and the spot where the fire started.


Some think the fire helped cleanse the city of the plague by destroying the habitats of the rats and the fleas that carried it. The plague certainly never threatened the capital again.


In today’s money the cost of the fire has been put at £1billion (although the Associatio­n of British Insurers has put the figure at a more realistic £37billion). It took 50 years to rebuild London with Sir Christophe­r Wren’s new St Paul’s Cathedral, completed in 1710, the crowning glory.

 ??  ?? TINDERBOX: A replica of London’s 17th-century skyline will be set ablaze on Sunday
TINDERBOX: A replica of London’s 17th-century skyline will be set ablaze on Sunday
 ??  ?? CONFLAGRAT­ION: Citizens cross the river to flee the catastroph­e as it threatens to destroy medieval London
CONFLAGRAT­ION: Citizens cross the river to flee the catastroph­e as it threatens to destroy medieval London

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