Daily Express


Forget arrogant Remainers... we must slash ties with Brussels NOW

- By David Maddox

PRESSURE is mounting on the Government to deliver a quick Brexit and defy doubters seeking to delay or halt the process.

The group Leave Means Leave says preparatio­ns to quit Europe should be speeded up in the face of stalling attempts and aggressive tactics from Brussels. They urged ministers to go on the attack and spell out the harm Britain can do to the EU economy if its leaders try to punish us in a policy dubbed the “Empire Strikes Back”.

The interventi­on by the group, which is backed by many senior Tory MPs and former ministers, was made as Margaret Thatcher’s former economic adviser Patrick Minford yesterday condemned pro-EU “fifth columnists” in the Treasury.

He blamed them for leaking a document claiming a hard Brexit would cost Britain £66billion.

It was drawn up in April on the orders of then Chancellor George Osborne as part of the discredite­d Project Fear campaign.

Recent actions by Remain supporters and the EU have raised

fears that ministers are being too soft on the opponents lined up against Britain’s bid for freedom and prosperity following the June referendum.

In particular there is outrage over the tactics of former Labour leader Ed Miliband, Lib Dem former deputy prime minister Nick Clegg and sacked Tory business minister Anna Soubry.

The trio – known as the “Remoaners” – plan to use Parliament­ary procedure to undermine the Brexit negotiatio­ns. They back a Labour-sponsored debate today, aimed at forcing ministers to seek the approval of MPs for their negotiatio­n strategy.

They also want to insert a condition that the UK stays in the single market, which would halt Brexit.

However, the Government has tabled its own motion as an alternativ­e to Labour’s.

Ministers are keen to head off a major revolt by Tories who are joining forces with Opposition parties to demand Commons votes at key stages including before formal talks are triggered by invoking Article 50.

A No10 source said: “The Government is focused on delivering on Brexit. We have always been clear that Parliament has an important role to play, and this motion reflects that.”

Leave Means Leave has warned that Britain needs to take a much stronger line. It said ministers need to spell out that Britain can inflict far more damage in a trade war with the fragile EU bloc than Europe can on the UK.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande have led calls to “punish” Britain for voting to leave.

The aggressive line has also been taken by senior EU figures including European Investment Bank boss Werner Hoyer. They are threatenin­g to end cheap loans and starve the UK into submission.

Leave Means Leave has demanded that Britain sets a clear two-year deadline to get out of the EU when Article 50 is triggered next year.

One senior member of the group, MEP David Campbell Bannerman, said last night: “These empty threats are a totally misguided attempt by the EU empire to strike back.”

Mr Campbell Bannerman, who sits on the European Parliament’s trade committee, added: “Our Government is in the stronger position and needs to stand up against the EU and spell out the dangers such an approach could have on the negotiatio­ns.”

Leave Means Leave chairman Richard Tice warned that pro-EU politician­s in the UK “do not share our belief in democracy”.

He said: “Foreign leaders and senior EU figures have pursued an aggressive, threatenin­g rhetoric ever since the British voters rejected their failing club. They will stop at nothing to save their crumbling European project.”

He added: “The leak from the Treasury is nothing more than a continuati­on of the Project Fear rejected by the public during the referendum campaign. Project Fear claimed Brexit would put a bomb under our economy and trigger a recession, and this has not happened.

“The leaked document is nothing but a dated piece of propaganda from a discredite­d former Chancellor.”

Instead of the economy collapsing as predicted by the Treasury the FTSE is at one of its highest levels historical­ly. And former Bank of England governor Sir Mervyn King welcomed the devalued pound as being at its natural level and boosting exports. Senior Tory Jacob Rees-Mogg also attacked Treasury officials. He said: “It’s thoroughly irresponsi­ble to produce documents that will encourage the EU to offer us a bad deal.”

Prime Minister Theresa May discussed Britain’s preparatio­ns for Brexit with Croatian president Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic during talks in London yesterday.

YOU can sum up in one sentence the disgusting opinions of the rabble of MPs who are demanding a Commons vote on Brexit: “The people have spoken, we don’t like what they said because they aren’t as clever as us so let’s ignore them and try to reverse the referendum result.” Such snake-like treachery cannot go unpunished.

Here’s what I would do with them: clap them in the Tower of London. They want to imprison us against our will in the EU so we should give them 28 days against their will to reflect on the true meaning of democracy. We’re in the midst of an exhilarati­ng people’s revolution and those who stand in the way of the popular will must take what’s coming to them.

In the case of ex-political leaders Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg and ex-Cabinet ministers Anna Soubry and Nicky Morgan that could mean the boot at the next election. For in all four of the areas they represent the popular vote was to leave the EU.

What arrogant conceit it is for them to believe that they know best and that ordinary people cannot be trusted to make decisions about their country’s future.

In Miliband’s case it is even more outrageous because in his seat of Doncaster North 69 per cent voted for Brexit, one of the biggest margins in the country. And yet he has the gall to stand up in the Commons and whine that the Government “has no mandate” for its Brexit policy. After the way Labour voters dumped on his party when he was leader Miliband has no mandate to pretend to speak for anyone.

THE same goes for that Eurofanati­c Clegg. The party he used to lead could now cram all its MPs into a phone box so the very idea that he represents popular opinion is laughable.

From Tory has-beens Soubry and Morgan comes much hot air but very little light. They pronounce their “fear” that the Government is turning its back on the single market. Do they not realise that most of the country has been fearing the opposite: that some shabby deal would be stitched up whereby we’d pretend to leave the EU but would remain shackled to it by foul means? Thank goodness Theresa May has now made it abundantly clear that the Government she leads will totally respect the referendum result.

Her Brexit minister, the redoubtabl­e David Davis, leaves not a shadow of doubt when he tells the Commons that the mandate for leaving the EU – lock, stock and barrel if necessary – is “clear, overwhelmi­ng and unarguable”.

Labour’s view on all this is clouded in fog. Clueless Corbyn has always despised the EU but now speaks with a forked tongue to appease the handful of mindless Marxists who are prepared to proclaim publicly that he’s doing a good job as leader – whatever they might think in private. However, shadow Brexit minister Sir Keir Starmer – described as “a second-rate lawyer” by former Conservati­ve leader Iain Duncan Smith – has decided that Labour policy is that we should stay in the single market.

That would mean accepting free movement of EU labour and conceding that EU law is all-powerful. Now that undoubtedl­y is the very thing the majority voted against in the referendum. And yet Sir Keir declares: “Neither those who voted to remain nor those who voted to leave gave the Government a mandate to take an axe to our economy.” It seems the former Director of Public Prosecutio­ns (he was no good at that) has appointed himself Director of Public Protestati­ons (and he’s even worse at that).

It is time all the moaning Remainers stopped playing fast and loose with the truth. We’ve had enough of their black propaganda, of the lies, the twisting of the facts, of the doommonger­ing and gainsaying. That’s one reason we voted for Brexit: to stick their nonsense up where it belongs.

We’re sick of all the claptrap from a pro-EU cabal that ranges from the Governor of the Bank of England to the boss of the CBI. They’ve all got to understand that the people they sneer at, the ignorant peasants, are a lot cleverer than their lords and masters give them credit for. On June 23 we all knew exactly what we were voting for. And we are determined to get it.

Typical of the lies we’re being peddled is the assertion, gleefully repeated by the BBC at every opportunit­y, that those who govern Britain have a choice between a hard Brexit and a soft Brexit – the word hard being used in a pejorative sense and the word soft being made to sound like a sensible option.

PEOPLE aren’t daft enough to fall for this conjuring trick. We voted for Brexit, without the misleading adjectives: an end to uncontroll­ed movement of immigrants, British laws and British courts being supreme, the freedom to trade and prosper with the whole world. That is neither hard nor soft – it is simply Brexit and it is what Britain wants.

If the desperate and doomed leaders of Germany and France (and that bibulous idiot Juncker) think they can scare us with threats that we’ll pay a price for wanting to leave their busted club then they are wrong. Their rhetoric is empty bluster and bluff and the Government should tell them so.

As for the enemy within, the nasties of Westminste­r, they’ve got to understand the unpalatabl­e truth that they can no longer thwart the will of the people. Or the Tower awaits.

‘Arrogant Remainers think they know best’

 ??  ?? Prime Minister Theresa May holding talks with Croatian leader Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic in Downing Street yesterday
Prime Minister Theresa May holding talks with Croatian leader Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic in Downing Street yesterday
 ?? Picture: PA ?? DEFIANT: David Davis defending the Government’s Brexit plans in the Commons
Picture: PA DEFIANT: David Davis defending the Government’s Brexit plans in the Commons
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