Daily Express


From smoking and drinking whisky to avoiding men, centenaria­ns have some unusual reasons for their longevity

- by Robert Gore-Langton

IT IS incredible what makes people tick. A centenaria­n who has just died aged 108 was thought to be the oldest man in the UK. He put his longevity down to drinking vinegar. John Mansfield, known as Jack, has just died a few weeks from his 109th birthday. He used to say: “If you’ve got an ailment, drink some vinegar.” It worked – even if his bedroom ponged like a chip shop. What, then, apart from vinegar, is the elixir of life?

Here are some clues to making it to your centenary and beyond.


Henry Allingham survived the First World War and died at the age of 113 in 2009. He was the last surviving combatant of the war and Britain’s oldest man. The Hun didn’t get him and neither did all the other things that are meant to be bad for you. When asked how he got to be such a great age, he replied with a grin: “Cigarettes, whisky and wild, wild women.” The wildness of women is hard to quantify. But whisky is often cited as the secret of great age. Henry was rivalled by Agnes Fenton who made it to 110. She reckoned her secret was a big tot of whisky “plus three beers a day without fail”.


Smoking kills. Or does it? The exceptions may prove the rule. But bulletproo­f pensioner Dorothy Howe reached her 100th birthday – despite smoking nearly half a million cigarettes during her life. She started smoking at 16 and kept up a 15-a-day habit for the next 84 years, costing her the best part of £200,000. On top of which she regularly dosed herself on spirits, a factor she acknowledg­ed as she cheerfully blew smoke rings at all around her. One of the great inhalers in British public life was chainsmoke­r Sir Winston Churchill, who died at 90. He got through an estimated quarter of a million cigars in his lifetime.


If you want to make it past 100, then go to live in the remote Japanese islands of Okinawa. No one there gets fat and they have the world’s highest proportion of centenaria­ns. They eat fish and seaweed and no junk food. In Europe the best place to live is in the south-west Italian village of Acciaroli. More than one in 10 – 81 at the mayor’s last count – of the village’s population of 700 is over 100 years of age. The mayor puts it down to fresh food. But he also admits that sexual activity among the aged “appears to be rampant”.


Making silly noises while petting a dog lowers blood pressure and produces serotonin, promoting the feelgood factor. Another study found owners who walk their dogs daily lived an average of seven years longer than otherwise similar non-dog owners. Other pets are seldom as effective. A cat’s purr is beneficial but a dog or even pet pig are especially effective as they need to be walked, promoting cardiovasc­ular health. A dotty dog that makes you laugh is an added bonus, as laughing is a well-attested health tonic.


Jeanne Calment, the oldest human ever to have lived, was born in 1875 and died in 1997 aged 122. The French lady gorged on chocolate, enjoyed “an occasional glass of port wine” and a diet rich in olive oil which she also rubbed into her feet. She once met artist Vincent Van Gogh and described him as “totally loco”. Her chief claim to longevity is that she rode a bike until she was 105. Her other great secret was that she was easily France’s oldest “chillaxer” with a natural immunity to stress. Her catchphras­e was: “Why flap, there’s nothing you can do about it?” By the end she was so blind she couldn’t light her cigarettes.


These amazing people live in remote Pakistan. The Hunza claim descent from three soldiers of Alexander the Great who lost their way in one of the precipitou­s gorges of the Himalayas. Although known for poor eyesight they are fit as fiddles and virtually immune to disease. They live in extreme temperatur­es. In midwinter a Hunza will make two holes in an ice pond, repeatedly dive into one and come out at the other, with as much unconcern as a seal. They are among the healthiest, longest lived people in the world, and among the poorest too.


If you have a nasty husband, leave him and start eating eggs instead. Italian Emma Morano, 117 (she outlived her sister who died young at 102), is thought to be the world’s oldest person and one of a rare club whose lives have spanned three centuries. She attributed her longevity to having left a violent husband in 1938 and to eating three raw eggs a day for more than 90 years. That’s about 100,000 eggs over her lifetime. She splurges soy sauce on the messy yellow concoction. Her diet she regards as the key. Remaining single and staying well away from men has helped too, she reckons.


If you are called De’Ath or Croaker you might think about changing your name. Names and – more importantl­y – initials apparently matter a great deal. Researcher­s at the University of California have revealed that having initials that spell out positive words (such as ACE, WOW or VIP) could add years to your life. The study found that men with positive initials lived 4.48 years longer while men with initials that spelled out negative words died 2.8 years younger. Having negative initials leads to more suicides and accidents, those with positive initials live longer and contract fewer fatal diseases. If your initials are GIT or ILL or NIT you are (statistica­lly speaking) doomed.


Research published in the Journal Of Gerontolog­y: Medical Sciences showed that people who attended regular religious services were 46 per cent less likely to die during the six-year study. A huge number of research studies have shown that believing in God – regardless of which faith you are – boosts your lifespan. A study involving liver transplant patients showed that those who had “strong religious connection­s” were up to three times more likely to survive. You don’t even have to go to church to get the benefit of belief. Believing in God is a win-win.


Having sex is routinely cited by old-age groups as the key to good health. These days clinics will even recommend positions for those with arthritis and back ache. It’s rubbish, according to Glaswegian Clara Meadmore, who lived to be 108 and Britain’s oldest virgin. “People have asked whether I am a homosexual and the answer is no. I have just never been interested in or fancied having sex,” she said. She reckoned sex was too much of a hassle to bother with. The celibate Clara thoroughly recommende­d a life free of men and regrets. FREDERICK FORSYTH IS AWAY

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 ?? Pictures: LEIGH HEMSIL/LIZ FINLAYSON/SWNS, REUTERS ?? MANY HAPPY RETURNS: Dorothy Howe, pictured on her 100th birthday, enjoyed a smoke and a whisky, inset, Jack Mansfield swore by drinking vinegar while Emma Morano ate raw eggs
Pictures: LEIGH HEMSIL/LIZ FINLAYSON/SWNS, REUTERS MANY HAPPY RETURNS: Dorothy Howe, pictured on her 100th birthday, enjoyed a smoke and a whisky, inset, Jack Mansfield swore by drinking vinegar while Emma Morano ate raw eggs
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