Daily Express

Bride of Wildenstei­n held over ‘scissor attack’

- By David Pilditch

BILLIONAIR­E socialite Jocelyn Wildenstei­n – known as the Bride of Wildenstei­n after radical facial surgery – has been charged with assault after allegedly stabbing her boyfriend with scissors.

Ms Wildenstei­n, 76, is also said to have clawed at the face of fashion designer Lloyd Klein with her nails and thrown hot wax over him.

Swiss-born Ms Wildenstei­n, also known as Catwoman after spending millions on facial surgery in an attempt to create feline-like features, allegedly flew into a violent rage at their Trump Tower apartment in New York.

Mr Klein, 49, reportedly shut Ms Wildenstei­n inside a walk-in wardrobe in an effort to calm her down as he waited for police in the early hours of Wednesday.

She later appeared in a Manhattan court charged with assault.

The row is reported to have erupted after Ms Wildenstei­n complained Mr Klein was spending too much time on social media and threw a burning candle at him.

A source said: “Lloyd was using his laptop and evidently not paying her enough attention. She screamed at him to get off the computer, then picked up a lit candle and threw hot wax over him.

“He was very scared. He asked her to calm down but she got angrier and threatened to kill him. She went at his face with her nails, which are very sharp, before grabbing scissors and stabbing them twice into his chest.”

Ms Wildenstei­n’s lawyer Alan Kachalsky said: “They’re making a mountain out of a molehill.”

Mr Klein, whose A-List celebrity clients include singers Paula Abdul, Pink and Nicki Minaj, refused medical help.

The couple have been in a relationsh­ip for 10 years.

Ms Wildenstei­n won £2billion in her 1999 divorce from art dealer Alec Wildenstei­n, who died in 2008.

They split after he was charged with pointing a gun at her when she caught him in bed with a 19-yearold model.

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 ??  ?? From left, Ms Wildenstei­n in her jet-setting days, after surgery in 1998, with Mr Klein last year and her bizarre ‘cat’ look
From left, Ms Wildenstei­n in her jet-setting days, after surgery in 1998, with Mr Klein last year and her bizarre ‘cat’ look
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