Daily Express

Best Quotes


W E HOPE you all had a lovely Christmas Day and are making the most of the time off before the cold return to reality. Here at Day & Night we’ve compiled some of the best celebrity quotes from our star-studded pages this year to help warm your cockles. Enjoy!

1 “She turned it down in the sweetest possible way: she told me, ‘I really like you – but this is awful’.” Chris Martin recalled the time fellow pop star Beyoncé passed on a song that he had penned for her.

2 “I fall in love with souls, not faces.” The 33-year-old Cheryl, below, isn’t with One Direction star Liam Payne, 23, for his boyish good looks, she’ll have us know.

3 Eva Longoria insisted pal Victoria Beckham tells it like it is: “She is one of the only people in the world who will tell me the truth and if something looks hideous.”

4 “The film business is very tough on men and women… You don’t have time to take the children to school, you’re on set at seven in the morning.” Dame Helen Mirren schooled us on what a hard-knock life it is for her and fellow millionair­e actresses.

5 “From then on, I’ve been somebody else… I’m speaking on behalf of Dave but I am somebody else who has written hundreds and thousands of songs.” Musician Dave Stewart said his body was possessed after his car crash in 1979.

6 Ricky Gervais, left, remained his sarcastic best: “Thanks to bloggers for writing about the future Brent movie, even the one that gave it a bad review before anyone has even seen it.”

7 “We’re looking for photos of dogs who look like their owners or indeed people who look like their dogs.” Presenter Clare Balding made an unusual request.

8 Yet again, actress – and self-appointed lifestyle guru – Gwyneth Paltrow, right, has shared her secrets to eternal happiness: “I believe in exercise, eating well, drinking lots of water, sex, sleeping and being around people who make you feel good.”

9 “I feel like a lot of the reason why there’s so many people that hate me is because I’m just myself.” Justin Bieber continued justifying his petulant antics.

10 “Women have this incredible thing – a bond. More than men, women have a great sense of solidarity.” U2’s Bono got all deep and meaningful.

11 Olympic cyclist Sir Chris Hoy proved everyone’s

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