Daily Express

Stars pray for Carrie after heart attack on UK flight

- By Mark Reynolds

CARRIE Fisher’s family and Star Wars co-stars were last night praying for her two days after she was rushed to intensive care after a heart attack on a transatlan­tic flight.

Carrie, 60, who played Princess Leia in the Star Wars films, became ill while flying from London to Los Angeles on Friday.

Passengers attempted to revive her with CPR and she was taken to hospital when the plane landed. Hospital sources said yesterday that there was “no change” and she remained in a critical condition in intensive care.

Star Wars co-star Harrison Ford, 74, said he was “shocked and saddened” about the news of his “dear friend”. “Our thoughts are with Carrie, her family and friends,” he added.

Harrison played Carrie’s love interest in the films and the actress revealed earlier this year in her memoir that the pair had a brief off-screen romance.

Mark Hamill, who played Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, said he was sending “all our love”. Peter Mayhew, who played Chewbacca, tweeted his thoughts and prayers for “everyone’s favourite princess”.

Carrie’s brother Todd said she remained in intensive care in Los Angeles.

He added: “She’s obviously a very tough girl who’s survived many things.

“I encourage everyone to pray for her. We certainly do not know her condition. That’s why she is in the intensive care unit.”

Fans of the star also took droves, using the hashtag

The actress and novelist had been filming in London to promote her latest book, The Princess Diarist.

She had also been filming the third season of the British television comedy Catastroph­e. to Twitter in their #MayTheForc­eBeWithHer.

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Carrie Fisher and, below, starring as Princess Leia
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