Daily Express


As research reveals more and more people are struggling to nod off, ELIZABETH ARCHER asks the experts for advice


ANEW study has suggested that increasing numbers of us are struggling to get a decent night’s sleep. Bleary-eyed Britons are resorting to sleeping separately from their partners or even hitting the bottle to help them doze off.

The new research by The Sleep Council has revealed that over the past four years the number of couples who sleep apart rose from eight to 20 per cent and the proportion of people who need a nightcap to help them nod off soared from 16 to 25 per cent.

What’s more, sales of over-thecounter remedies reached £58million in the UK last year.

Doctors warn that a lack of shut-eye can lead to a host of problems from weight gain to depression, so read our expert advice below and ensure you sleep like a baby tonight.


With so many things to think about when you wake up, it can be tempting to skip breakfast or grab a sugary snack with a coffee.

However Dr Nerina Ramlakhan, a sleep expert at Silentnigh­t, says this can have a knock-on effect on how you sleep. She says: “Avoid skipping breakfast as this is vital for stabilisin­g blood sugar levels and helping you to produce a hormone called melatonin which will enable you to sleep later on.

“Make sure your breakfast includes a source of protein such as nut butter on your toast or ground almonds on your porridge to keep you fuller for longer.”


Drinking too many coffees before bed can lead to a night of tossing and turning. Yet did you know it can take up to six hours for caffeine to leave your body?

Dr Sarita Robinson, senior psychology lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire, advises using the “before four law” and switching to herbal tea or water after 4pm. Try Pukka Night Time Tea, £2.39 (sainsburys.co. uk), which contains a combinatio­n of sleep-inducing herbs including lavender and camomile.


There’s nothing better than a relaxing bath to soak away the day’s stress.

Leading aromathera­pist Karina Cox recommends using essential oils in the bath to enhance your experience. “Essential oils are extremely soothing. Blood pressure and stress hormones drop and feelings of relaxation flood your body and mind.” Try adding Olverum Therapeuti­c Oil, £27 (harveynich­ols.com), which contains 10 essential oils, to a warm bath.


Most of us are guilty of checking our phones or watching TV in bed but many experts believe it might be one of the reasons we find it difficult to doze off.

Brendan Street, a cognitive behavioura­l therapy expert at Nuffield Health, recommends making your bed into a sleep sanctuary: “The bed should be reserved for sleeping and sex to strengthen the connection in the mind between bed and sleep.

“The more things you do in bed such as reading, watching TV and using smartphone­s, the weaker the connection will be.”


Eating well is essential to getting a good night’s sleep. If you struggle to get 40 winks, nutritioni­st Cassandra Barns suggests topping up your magnesium levels.

“Magnesium is known as ‘nature’s tranquilli­ser’ and is needed to relax muscles and nerves, which helps us to fall into a peaceful sleep. Include plenty of magnesium-rich foods in your diet such as pumpkin and sunflower seeds, fish and leafy green vegetables,” she says.


Almost a quarter of British couples now sleep separately to avoid keeping their other half awake. So sorting out snoring can be a big help when it comes to sleeping well.

Sleep expert Sammy Margo says: “There are a number of changes you can make to your sleep routine to help reduce it. In the first instance, try elevating your head by sleeping on thicker or multiple pillows.” Slumberdow­n Anti-Snore Pillow, £6 (amazon.co.uk) has been specially designed to help encourage better breathing.


While it’s true that a brisk walk can keep sleepless nights at bay, it’s important to remember that the timing of exercise can make a big difference.

Professor Paul Gringras, scientific adviser for Leesa mattresses, says: “Exercise in the morning is unlikely to help you fall asleep at night and exercise too close to bedtime can cause problems in falling asleep.

“As a rough guide, try taking 20 to 30 minutes of moderate exercise between 4pm and 7pm.”


Sleeping in wool bedding has been proven to aid a better night’s sleep due to wool’s ability to regulate skin temperatur­e as we sleep, meaning you won’t get too hot or too cold.

This is especially important during REM sleep, which is when the body and mind are in repair mode. The Wool Room makes bedding from British alpaca and sheep wool and has the Allergy UK seal of approval. Prices start from £34 (thewoolroo­m.com).


New research by Harvard Medical School shows a clear link between sex and sleep and found that a lack of sleep in women over 50 can cause loss of libido.

Nutritioni­st Dr Marilyn Glenville is convinced this is the case. She says: “Stress is one of the greatest psychologi­cal causes of low libido so take some time out of your busy day to relax and unwind.

“I have met many stressed women who blame everything but their stress levels on their loss of libido.” And the good news is that better sex means better sleep too.


If you suffer from insomnia, not sleeping can become a habit. However with practice you can retrain your brain to get a more peaceful night’s sleep.

Brendan Street says focusing on the physical sensations of your bed is one way of getting into a better frame of mind for sleep.

He says: “While in bed, observe the feel of the mattress, the comfort of the pillows and the sense of being ‘absorbed’ into the mattress.

“Try to make all the sensations associated with the bed and sleep as vivid as possible.”

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 ?? Picture: GETTY ?? HIT THE SNOOZE BUTTON: Shortage of shut-eye can contribute to problems such as weight gain and depression
Picture: GETTY HIT THE SNOOZE BUTTON: Shortage of shut-eye can contribute to problems such as weight gain and depression

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